Day 89: Leaf it All to Me Top
You guys remember this dress from Day 85, right?
Remember how I had this scrap left over?
When I was packing for the trip to Asheville, I tossed that scrap in my bag. When I woke up for Day 2 of our Asheville adventure, I got to work.
In my dedication to packing light, I refrained from bringing my sewing machine on the road with me, so this will have to be a no-sew refashion.
Basically, I pulled the skirt-thing tight under my arms, and secured it with a vintage brooch that belonged to my Grandma. 🙂
I ended up wearing this top hiking all day, and it was surprisingly comfortable. 🙂 Sorry I completely failed to get any pics in the beautiful outdoors, other than my yard when I got home. 🙁
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2 Responses to Day 89: Leaf it All to Me Top
Romantic weekends and refashioning – am very impressed! Love your grandmother´s brooch, how lovely that you can use and enjoy it.
You’ve done it again. In awe of your creative talent. You definitely demonstrate how much we can all grow if we just tap into our creative juices. BTW, love the brooch.
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