Happy Valentine’s Day!!! | ReFashionista

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

Happy Valentine’s Day everybody!  Whether you’re in a relationship with someone special or a swingin’ single, I hope yours was marvelous!  My V-day dress certainly wasn’t going to put anyone in the mood for fun and romance when I first put it on.

looking way too much like my 3rd grade teacher

Yech!  Those hideously malformed shoulder pads!  Those too-short sleeves!  That icky length!  Plus, it was about as boring as it could possibly be!

Not to worry!  I have a plan!  First off, I removed the pads and the weirdo buckle-thing from the back of the dress.


Oh…check these out…

Could this be a pocket???


I removed those silly fake pockets from the front of the dress with my seam ripper.

Later, Fakers!

That’s better!  Next, I pinned the neckline into a more pleasing V.

Gimme a V!

Then, I ran the neckline through my machine.

Making the V happen

Now that my neckline was looking much sweeter, I immediately got to chopping off the not-so-sweet length.


I pinned my new hem under, tucking away the raw edge.

…and then there were two. 🙁

I ran my new hem under the needle, and pressed all my new hems.

I still wasn’t satisfied.  This was Valentine’s Day, after all, and my dress was still a wee bit dull for the fancy schmancy dinner my fella was treating me to.

Luckily, I found these guys:

red buttons to the rescue!

I hardly ever buy buttons, thanks to my awesome tin ‘o buttons I inherited from my mom.  I removed the boring buttons, and put them in the tin.  I replaced them with these lovely red ones!  I thought they complimented the navy hue of the dress splendidly!

I pushed the sleeves up over my elbows, tied on a sash from a previous refashion, and my new dress was ready for an evening of romance!

Feeling Festive!

I even got to break out my favorite coat.  I bought this for a dollar waaaay back in high school, and absolutely will never part with it (even if it only gets to come out for Christmas and V-day).  🙂

My faaaaavorite!

Tres chic, no?

Oh yes…be sure to check back here tomorrow, as I’ll be announcing a fun giveaway that will delight and inspire one lucky reader!


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3 Responses to Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

One of my favorite refashions on your site! Cute-o!

A vast improvement! and I love the red coat, I have a thing for coats with fur collars (but only fake) too

I LOVE that red jacket!
What’s happening with the sleeves – are they fake sleeves or a weird shape or are you just wearing it oddly?
I’ve been playing with refashioning for a while now, but I am an impatient person and tend to get things crooked or give up too early! So I’m blog-hunting, knowing I’ll be inspired by others’ successes and hopefully I can take my time over some new ideas. Thanks for your inspiration!

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