I’ve gotta have some of your attention
Usually I avoid shopping when hungry. I thought this precaution only applied to grocery shopping until I bought this guy for a mere fitty cent at Goodwill.
What food did this immediately make me think of (and instantly crave), you ask?
A big plate of Orzo!
Sadly, the Columbia Greek Festival is still months away, so this is about as close as I’m gonna get to my beloved orzo for now.
So, I needed a fun strapless top for a Wednesday night of Trivi-YEAH! at the Whig, followed by Mr. B’s Goodtime Karaoke Explosion. A top that could withstand the mind-boggling South Carolina heat. A top that would be fun and funky. Basically anything but what the above pic represents.
To make this “Emph” top into an “Ooomph!” top, a few amputations (insert eeevil laughter here) were neccessary.
Ah! Now we’re getting somewhere. Do you see the strapless top yet? I decided to use the elastic-y bottom as the new top of my new top. All I had to do was take it in a few inches on each side so it would stay up and keep as much of the width at the new bottom as I could to allow for my hips (and so I could get into the thing). After that, I sewed the new bottom raw edge under. I was rather pleased with the results.
After adding a few tres chic accessories, including a belt I thrifted for a dollar and a kicky beret, I was ready to get trivial!
At the end of the night, we came in second place, which felt like first. High fives were exchanged. Afterwards, We karaoked to our hearts’ content. And, because I know you care, I rocked out like Chrissie Hynde with “Brass in Pocket”. Cause I’m special (special!)…soooo special….much like my new lil strapless top.
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