Jet Setter Jeans
I feel almost guilty about admitting this, but sometimes when I’m at Target getting toothpaste, shampoo, or whathaveyou, I wander into the clothing section. While wandering the other day, I saw several pairs of flood-length jeans that I loved! And I coveted them. And I allllllmost bought a pair. But then I remembered this pair of jeans that I’ve had for years, but never wear anymore:
Just a normal pair of jeans, y’all. 🙂
There’s nothing wrong with these jeans, I just seem to prefer every other pair I own over them. This means they’ll be perfect to transform into floods!
I used a safety pin to mark where I wanted my new floods to fall on my leg.
See it?
Then I made a couple of chops!
I didn’t feel like trying to rock the frayed look, so I folded those raw edges under twice.
Pinned & Prepped!
Then, I ran each leg under the needle.
After a quick press, I was all done! 🙂
A most pressing issue!
And just like that, I now have a cute pair of trendy floods! AND I saved myself about 30 bucks! 🙂
Leaving on a Jet Plane…
But wait a tic…why am I at the airport? And why is my sewing machine hanging out in the bottom corner of the above pic?
About to take another big CHOMP out of the Big Apple! 🙂
I have some exciting news, friends! A couple of days ago, I was contacted by Good Afternoon America!!!! I’ll be on Thursday’s show (August 2nd) doing a surprise refashion LIVE!!!! Check your local listings, folks!
This suits me fine, as I’m not much of a “morning” person! 😉
A lucky audience member will get a personalized refash by moi! I wonder who I’ll pick?! 🙂
Wish me luck!!!!
Meet my companion (how very Doctor Who!), Larry! 🙂
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43 Responses to Jet Setter Jeans
That is awesome that you’ll be on GMA! Good luck! I’ll definitely try and watch! 😀
Love the simplicity! Enjoy the show and the time away from home. Had to share on fb!
Hello Larry! Could he be a new fella? Love the floods! I’m insipired to do the same to a couple of pair of jeans just wasting away in my closet. Good Luck on the show!
Love the Doctor Who ref, too 😉
You get uber bonus points from me for the Dr. Who reference! 😛
You don’t need luck. You have talent and skills! Have a great time!
You’ll be awesome, as usual!! pls post a link for those of us with no TVs.
Congratulations! That is so exciting! Can’t wait to see it 🙂
See, I KNEW you would make the big time! I love it and I hope I can catch your segment- xo Diana
Yay! Cannot wait to see what you will do! You will be awesome I’m sure!!!!
That’s such good news! I can’t wait to see it!
Congratulations! How exciting. Will try to catch it.
I’ll be watching Good Afternoon, America!!! tomorrow to catch “THE REFASHIONISTA!!! Hope you’re on the track to the top!!!!! Can barely wait to see you!!!!!
So exciting! I might catch you on!
Yay! I’ll be watching you tomorrow!
Wow! I’ll try to watch!
How exciting! If I wasn’t going to be on a plane to NYC, myself, I’d TOTALLY be watching!
How AWESOME! I just recently found your blog but I think I’ve looked at almost all your posts in just the past couple of days! Your refashions are AWESOME! I’ll be watching out for ya!
Congrats!!! I can’t wait to see you on the show!!
Congrats, Jill! I don’t have access to American TV from where I live, but I firmly believe
that You will rock everyone’s socks off. Have fun!
Love your blog and I love you! I’ve set my DVR and look forward to it!! xoxo
I was at the taping this morning and twitted about you. You were great! I love the idea. Best, @chichisochic
I just watched you on Good Afternoon America! You did awesome! 🙂 – Kady @
Just watched GAA, you were great and I really liked what you did with that gals jacket! I especially loved that you wore one of the refashions from your “366 days”. You’re just darling!
I loved seeing you on GAA. You were great!
Too sad that we don’t get US channels over here in Europe… I’d so love to watch your appearance on the show! YouTube, anyone? 😉
Click on the “Good Afternoon America” link above in this thread and it should take you to the GAA website to watch the clip….
hmmm, just read below,, sorry, didn’t know “they” could prevent you from watching on-line. Hopefully someone will put it on YouTube…
No luck – it’s only available to ISPs from the US 🙁
Oh lucky! Here it is!!!
Oh I’m so chuffed! And yes, watching it brought a big smile onto my face when I heard the words “frumpy”, “chop” and “sash” 😉
After checking in here almost every day to read, it was like seeing a good old friend on TV. Somehow strange, isn’t it 😉
Thousand roses! @->–
You did an amazing job as usual!!!!
Second that comment – I’m in Canada and due to ‘international rights’, I can’t access this video. Would love to see it, so if anyone could throw it up on YouTube, that makes at least two of us Refashionita groupies who would be very happy!
Three! From Australia.
What nail color is that? I’m coveting.
I was so bold to look it up, et voilà, bold enough to put the link to my reply above! So someone was already so nice to upload it on YT. Thank you, stranger!
I was out running errands yesterday and a little before 1, I thought, The ReFashionista is going to be on here shortly-so I ran over to a Mexican resturant and asked them if they would turn a tv on so I could watch you! I got seated right in front of a tv and had it all to myself! As usual, you did a great job on that lady’s jacket!!!!! Be looking for more great things from you!!!!!
Amazing job! You are a natural on the TV. I love the audience reactions!
You did AMAZINGLY well on GAA!!! You looked so poised! Congratulations! Ready to see more refashions from you.
Congrats!!! I love what you did with the jeans! Sounds like the TV show went well…I’m just sad that I’m just now reading this and missed it. Is it online somewhere?
Just saw the show online – thanks, Youtube – Jillian, You are a natural born performer. Great job.
I missed the show. How dis ot go/
How did it go?
Thanks to whoever it may have been that put it onto Youtube. I was busting to see it here in New Zealand… you did a wonderful job and it really WAS like watching an old friend on the tv as someone else said… as for the jeans – LOVE it… am going to get the scissors out and chop chop a couple of pairs of pants in the same way for summer – if it ever gets here…. Job well done!!! Kate
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