I’ll change the way you think about fashion.
Lena Dunham-Inspired Romper
I have good news and bad news.
The good news is, I’ve been doing a lot of work on the back end of this blog/preparing it for a redesign (yay!). The bad news is, if you’ve been following my blog by email, you probably aren’t anymore as all of my email followers (5,000+) were lost in migration (boo!). This means you’ll need to resubscribe (see the sidebar on your right). 🙁 I’m really sorry for this inconvenience, and I hope you’ll still follow me. I don’t know how you’re going to actually get this message, since it’s no longer showing up in your inbox, but hey…A girl’s gotta try!
To ease my pain from losing so many of you (temporarily, I hope!), I did a refashion! 😀
I have been a tireless hater of the jumpsuit. I have turned every single one I’ve encountered into a dress. Without exception. You don’t believe me? Check it out for yourself.
But then I stumbled upon this $1 cutie:
I’ve always hated jumpers and rompers. But then I saw Lena Dunham looking super cute and comfy in an episode of Girls.
I decided to keep the legs! 🙂 Buuuut…they’d need to be snipped a good bit to make it through a hot & muggy South Carolina day!
I used my pinking shears to cut off the legs, as I wouldn’t be able to fold the raw edge under twice like I usually do. If I did, my sewing machine needle wouldn’t be able to make it through the parts that had super-thick piping.
I ran each leg through my machine, and gave the whole thing a quick press. Now I have a romper I absolutely LOVE romping around in!
This romper is really much too short to be worn to work, buuuuut…I kind of wore it anyway. I work for an arts agency with low dress code standards, so this wasn’t a big deal. 🙂
So, Lena…just let me know if you’d like me to hook you up with a few of these, okay? I kind of dream of working in the costume department of your show. 🙂
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Wow!! What a refashion! I adore it and its very summery and looks so comfy! I wish I could pull off wearing something like that!
Checkout my latest refashions here
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How cute! Great job!
It’s Always Ruetten
I’m following via Feedly, a RSS Reader, so hopefully they’ll all get the memo! My thighs would never look OK in a romper like this but I still love your refashioning magic! 🙂
Super cute!
Very cute!! 🙂
Bytheway the new layout doesn’t work well with mobile viewing, it’s all to one side and isn’t easy to read you have to zoom in. Is it finished?
Ugh…it’s totally not finished. :/ I’m still workin’ on it now and probably will be all week! Hang in there. It’ll get fixed, I promise! 🙂
Yeah I’m having the same problem too 🙁
Awesome! That’s a great job
I’m DEFINITELY liking the romper. It looks really cute on you. I like how you paired it with the shrug – really original! Well done!
I’m with you- never been a big fan of rompers. BUT you may have just changed my mind! That is too adorable! The print is perfect. Love it!
Amanda @ Running In Heels
Your version looks cute (unlike Lena’s)! I think I’d feel like a baby in a onesie wearing a romper though.
Yay! I used to follow by email then switched to Bloglovin’. Sooo glad I did. 🙂
I love what you do with each of the thrifty finds that you share with us, your readers. You have given me the gumption to plunge ahead into trying my hand at it. My sewing machine has been brought back upstairs (I cannot work in basements) and my quest is to find an article that I can see potential AND that I can see myself actually wearing too. I used to sew back in the day when our children were much younger…youngest is now 26! 😛 I thoroughly enjoyed whipping up outfits for the kiddos and jackets for the hubby too. I had not sewn much for myself. 🙁
So, do you advise that I look into getting a dress form to help fitting the clothing better?
Thank you so much! 🙂 Yes. A dress form will take your refashions to the next level AND make your life easier. 🙂
Lena would be so lucky to have you! I am obsessed with “Girls” but her wardrobe is tragic. Whoever their wardrobe people are probably have a blast looking for hideous onesies for her to wear. It lends to Hannah’s quirky character though. I am in the 2%!
That romper is just so adorable! I have a very similar romper – same color and pattern; I just love it! They are really great for swimsuit coverups.
That is really cute! The black and the pattern definitely eliminate that fear of looking like a toddler in a romper. I think it looks great on you! One of my faves!
Awww. I love Lena. I started watching Girls this December on demand while I was voted on vacation from work. She’s amazing.
This is really nice. You’re too cute in the last picture!!
I never check my WordPress reader, you were just one of the faves that got viewed through my email. It’s pure chance that I ended up looking at my reader today and spotted you. So glad I did! Hopefully there aren’t too many readers like me out there 🙁
Looks very good on you. I think 2Momma2, above, was onto something when she said the colour has something to do with it looking more mature.
I never liked wearing things that had to be completely undone to use the ladies room. Too much work 🙂
Really cute 😉 but um… it must be a hassle to pee with that.
Haha! It definitely was! 🙂
This showed up in my in box. Hopefully they will continue!
Love this refash of yours….maybe my favorite! I actually have a couple rompers/jumpsuits that I’ve refashioned and I love them. I’ve worn each of them once. One to a concert, the other to a New Years Eve party. Word of advice: partying and jumpsuits don’t mix well. Drinking tends to make a person pee a lot and getting completely undressed each time you have to use the potty is a pain in the butt!
I’m not a big fan of rompers, but this one really works. I love it with the red accessories too!
I, too, adore Lena, and am also a jumpsuit hater. However, this refash has convinced me! I’m so glad you cleared up the only folding under once thing, I was afraid for you (and your lady parts) when I saw how short you cut it! LOL! Lena’s is a little lean in the length and leg circumference, and isn’t super flattering, but your’s turned out perfect! NICE JOB!!!
Very cute! By the way, this showed up in my inbox!
I’m not usually a romper fan either but this one looks super cute on you!
I love Lena!! I am also part of the 2%. That romper is too cute on you!
This is my first time to comment but I am an avid follower. (Note: I’m not a stalker, lol!) I love this look. And paired with the light sweater, it looks pulled together enough for work. When it gets cooler, it would look great with tights, don’t you think? I have to say, though, that it cracks me up that you always have a drink in your hand. It’s your signature pose, don’t you think? Have a lovely day!
Thanks! What can I say? I’m a thirsty gal!#hydrateordie
The good new is- you’re also in the 2% of women who actually look great in a romper! I’m not the same size on top/bottom so I haven’t had much luck. Great refashion!
Love this one! You are lucky enough to be able to pull off an outfit like this. It looks super comfy for summer!
I still got you in my inbox! Glad I wasn’t lost! This is my all time fave of your refashions! Nice!
Ahhh! This is so adorable! Honestly, one of my fave of your refashions…
I hate rompers, as a rule, but this one is super cute! Very flattering 🙂
Cute! Looks so much better as a romper!
I normally hate rompers too- but this is awesome! Nice job 🙂
I’m glad I’ve started following you on facebook, as well as by email! Wouldn’t want to miss a cute refashion like this! I think yours looks much better than Lena Dunhams, and I think it’s because rompers work when they look more tailored and fitted.
I’m usually with you, I don’t like rompers, but it makes your legs look so LONG!!! Nice one!
Omigosh, this is FABULOUS with your gams! I would probably nearly kill for legs like yours. Rock
Yours looks much better than Lena’s. Hers is WAY too tight on the bottom half.
Your romper is a million times cuter than Lena’s! I love it 🙂
Adorable! I don’t think I’ve worn a jumper since middle school, but you kind make me want to give one a chance.
“…kind *of*…”
You know, I’ve been warming up to rompers lately and this one is just so cute! I might have to try this.
That is super cute and yours looks much better than Lena Dunham’s (I guess I am in the 98% hehe)
SUPER CUTE! You are a genius, and thanks for sharing your talent with us!
The romper looks nice after the chop. The lack of functionality of rompers still boggles me though.
Good thing we made you join Pinterest! We’ll all find you somehow!! 🙂
I love this on you. I think rompers look cute on certain people, but I think the majority of women wouldn’t be able to pull the look off (like me 🙁 ).
I am a huge fan of the romper, as well as a very chic looking pantsuit!!! Great job – now I am going to be scouring my local Salvation Army’s for something similar to take to task!
Oh my goodness I am the exact same way and every time I see any sort of romper/anything-like-it I quickly walk away as I dry heave a little from disgust…so I have no idea how you made this so dang cute and made me want one!! Awesome job!!! I love it!!!
Man, I am a romper-hater too and I am loving this on you! So inspiring. Great job!
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