Me-Made-March! | ReFashionista


Welcome to day 1 of:

It’s gonna be awesome!

I was completely stoked when Zoe of So, Zo…What do you know? challenged anyone who dared to wear at least one self-made item (be it refashioned, knitted, crocheted, or made completely from scratch) for every day of March. 

I believe we should be proud of our achievements and creations. Let’s show ourselves as much as anyone else, that our efforts are more than just a pastime, that we have been slowly developing valuable skills that we can use to actually clothe ourselves, damn it!    ~Zoe

I’m super excited about Me-Made March…not just for the new stuff I’m going to make this month, but also for the opportunity this gives me to show you guys some of my refashions that I never blogged about (they were either pre-blog or me being in a hurry).  🙂

Today’s dress is one I’ve had for a while, but never did a tutorial.  In its “before” state it was a big ol’ house dress.  Sorry for the lack of pics….I didn’t think it would turn out well, but lookie!

In the shade…but not shady!

I actually really ended up liking this dress.  It’s a nice transition piece for in between seasons, too!  Today, I paired it with some bright accessories to make the blah color a bit less frumpy, and a kicky beret!  🙂

Digging that collar!

Me-Made-March Day 1…Done!  Cheers!

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