Memorial Day Dress
Happy Memorial Day! Let’s all take a moment to let our gratitude for the men, women, and service animals who bravely serve our country (if you’re in the US, that is) sink in. 🙂
When I first saw this dress, I looooved it! But it had one major issue.
Holey Moley!
Not only was one of the seams badly ripped, the dress was also 3 sizes too big.
Saggy back. 🙁
But…it was a freebie, so I shan’t complain! With a little work, I knew it would be perfect for a Memorial Day cookout with friends!
I had my red and white with this dress, but what about blue? I dug through my scrap stash and found the leftovers from this refashion.
Riiiight here!
I decided the best way to add a pop of blue was to make a simple patch pocket! I cut out my pocket, then ironed the edges down.
Press the pocket!
Now that pocket was ready to be placed on my dress! I carefully pinned it to the outer gauzy layer.
VERY securely pinned!
Then, I ran it through my machine.
Now I’m ready for the repair/resizing part!
Since this dress has an outer layer and a lining, I figured I had two ways I could go about this. I could either take the lining and outer layer apart from each other, take each part in, then reattach them to each other, or I could take both the lining and the outer layer in at the same time.
I had yet to do this the second way with much success. :/ Usually the feed dogs on my machine end up stretching one of the pieces more than the other, so I end up with a sloppy/bunchy result. 🙁
BUT THEN I HAD A BRILLIANT IDEA. It was mind-bogglingly simple, and I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of it before!
I hung my dress on the pull-up bar in my bathroom (I mean, It should be used for something, right?). Then, I pinned the lining to the outer layer riiiight along the seam with safety pins.
I haven’t been able to do a pull-up in over 10 years. :/
Then, I turned my dress inside-out and took it in a couple of inches on each side.
All taken in!
But wait! What about those safety pins???
Don’t worry! They shall be free! I cut off the excess fabric with my pinking shears to reveal a prize inside! 🙂
So…did it work?
YEP! 🙂
It did! My side seams look pretty flippin’ flawless, I must say! And here’s what that dress looks like now!
Oh so patriotic! 🙂
I styled my new frock with a $1 thrifted belt, some sweet sun specs. My bracelet is actually a necklace that used to belong to my grandmother, and the flops are just plain old flops! 🙂
Here’s the back!
Saggy no more!
Now, while I thought I was being patriotic in my Red, White, and Blue, all my friends told me my dress was actually Orange! Please tell me…who is right? Am I really just colorblind???
Phillip says it’s orange. :/
Jamie says it’s orange. :/
All of these people think agree that my dress is actually orange. :/
But who can I trust?
Certainly not these guys!
So please…you tell me. Is my dress red or orange? I must know!!!!
I’m waiting for your answer.
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251 Responses to Memorial Day Dress
From the pictures, it looks orange to me! You did a great job on it though. 🙂
Started the blog off confused, thinking my phone was changing the color of your “red” dress lol!!!! Definitely orange.
Orange! 🙂
Orange. Very cute though.
yes, it is orange, which can’t be made without red, so….win/win.
Love your blog! Love the dress!! However, orange it is.
Orange, loved the belt, hated the pocket. You are way too cute . Love the before face and after. Here is a challenge for you, I would love to see what you could do with some plus size outfits. I am sure you could recruit a girlfriend somewhere. You are so tiny and make something great out of nothing. It’s a little trickier for us bigger gals. Just a thought. You are super clever so it might be fun for you.
Jen Ott
That’s a great idea!
I’ll volunteer to be your larger refashion! 😉
I agree COMPLETELY!! Not having to worry about the size of a thrift-ed item because everything can be made smaller makes things a bit easier…I’m an XL and I NEVER find anything that I think I can do anything with!! Maybe I’m too picky or something. I try!!
Oh and sorry, but I’m voting ORANGE and I hated the pocket also!!
I would also like to see plus-sized ideas!
And sorry, I say Orange!
She has a post (sorry not good and linking)
where she did a fashion show for a women’s gala, called SHE, where she did a fashion show featuring many of her friends. All of them were beautiful, and different shapes & sizes.
*(sorry not good AT linking)
but it linked anyway, woo-hoo.
i love that post, but still,compared to me, those girls are tinny! I’m a 5x on my bottom, and a 3x on the top. any help would be great!!
Yeah…that show was thrown together in a week. I wasn’t readlly even necessarily going for different body types…just friends of mine that I thought were cool and would be fun to work with. 🙂 It’s hard for me to feature anyone other than me on my blog as I work full-time and live really far away from downtown (hard to get anyone out there). It’s really just a logistical thing, I’m afraid. :/
I’m sure you could figure out a way to make it work. Get some friends’ measurements and see what you can do without them physically being with you. They might not fit 100% perfectly but with their measurements you should be able to do a decent job. They you can give them the clothes you’ve refashioned and they can take pictures at home and email them to you to post here. It would definitely be a chalenge but that’s the point, finding cute clothes to fit larger bodies is a chalenge.
Also, I just read the rest of the comments and saw that someone asked if you had ever refashioned something that was too small. Even if you aren’t able to get some larger friends together for plus sized refashions, you could try to incorporate things that at least would be relevant to people who aren’t able to find clothes from thrift stores that fit them.
This is her blog and she doesn’t have to refashion clothes for plus size people, especially considering how busy she has already said she is. I’m sorry, but suggesting she do all of these other things is kind of ridiculous. P.S. That dress is orange and I totally love the pocket! 🙂
I totally get wanting to see refash’s that pertain more to your personal needs. I have a growing 7 yr old eating machine and I would LOVE to see tips on refashing cool clothes for him! However, I know not to look here for that inspiration. Those of us who blog, do it to showcase what we do…our hobbies. Jilly’s hobby is refashing clothes for herself and it’s usually in a very rushed manner. She’ll want a quick refash for a night out with friends after working all day, so she’ll grab something off her refash rack then snip, whirr, add a belt & pop out the door. She also spends a ton of time donating to worthy causes and projects. I love her philanthropic ventures as much as her cute styles! Sure, she could take on the challenges offered by her readers, but then she wouldn’t be staying true to herself & her blog. It’s not fair to keep insisting she find a way to make it happen. Check out Etsy & Pinterest for inspiration! Also, there are a lot of blogs that offer refashing tips for everyone. I googled “refashion plus size clothes” and this was the first blog to pop up. I just glanced at it, but it seems pretty legit, her fashions are cute and none of them are a size 2. She made an awesome plus sized skirt by cutting triangle shaped panels out of one small skirt & sewing them into another!
But most of all, just love & accept Jilly for Jilly. <3 (and if any of you find a cool blog for refashing boy’s clothing, feel free to share it with me!)
I concur..I am definitely not a teeny person like Jill, but I have been inspired by her refashioning concept to view my current wardrobe differently. I just took a pair of jeans that had worn out knees and turned it into a jean skirt! (almost…just need to hem the bottom…I’m a procrastinator). Before reading this blog, I would have probably just thrown them out. Shirts that have sat untouched in my closet are now getting hemmed and taken in and worn! Take the ideas and run with it peeps! My favorite idea is to take a nice long sleeve shirt and turn it into a short sleeve or sleeveless tee. I am not one who could pull off the strapless dress look or go ANYWHERE without a bra, but there is still tons of ways to change a not so great article of clothing. Let your imagination run wild!! Keep up the excellent work Jill! Also, its orange, as my favorite shirt is a very red orange that people say is red, but it is really orange as is your cute dress. 🙂
Your designs are amazing. But these pictures def make the dress look orange! 🙂
It is indeed orange – but fabulous still!
Orange. But is cute!
Orange, but totally cute! Your blog is amazing and so are you. Thanks for the inspiration! Hope you are having a terrific holiday! 😀
Looks orange to me. Ha
Hate to break it to ya, but you’ve got yourself a lovely ORANGE dress! Lol.
Orange 🙂 Get a colorblindness test *wink*
It’s orange. When you said it was red, I assumed the camera color was off or something;)
Me too. I was looking around on my computer at other red things to make sure either my eyesight or the computer screens weren’t off.
I’m sorry to say it but its orange! I was thinking, red??? Where’s the red? I was expecting you to dye it!! And then to tippex dots on or something haha. It’s such a cute refashion though!! Well done!!
Looks orange from here.
well it is a very reddish orange and I don’t like the pocket either
There’s a red dress behind you on the rack of fame in the first shot. It clearly indicates the answer is orange! Doesn’t much matter though it works!
definately ORANGE. but turned out beautifully!
It’s orange… but I love orange! 🙂
Definitely orange, however it’s still gorgeous!
Orange. (My favorite color!) Still super cute!
I really love the refashion, but I kinda don’t dig the pocket :/ sowwy!
I’m with the others…definitely orange. I also thought that the camera must not be showing the color right.
Orange…but it’s super cute!
Orange! lol Looks great though
Orange, but who really cares lol. It looks great anyway, and you had good intentions!!! 😀
Thank you so much for remembering to include service animals in your Memorial Day tribute! I earned my first service dog almost a year ago (an angel named Nate who has changed my life), I have a new respect and appreciation for all working and service animals. Love your website and all the cute ideas that you share – I’m a committed upcycler and am inspired each time I read your latest offerings. Thanks!
PS: The dress is orange …
The dress is so cute, but from the very beginning of the post, I thought it was orange. Sorry! It’s still cute!
Orange, but its the thought that counts 😉
I think it’s orange-sorry
Definitely an orange dress. Love that you were able to stay true to the original design and just reduce the size. The blue accents add to it. Great job!
Orange 🙂 cute dress but no pocket! Belt is enough contrast in my opinion
yeah, orange from the start… but a great great none the less 🙂
*great job
Definitely orange!
Love it! But I definitely think it is orange 🙂
Lovely dress but I’m afraid your friends is right.
Orange! But also awesome!
Orange. I was thrown off when you said you had “your red.” I was wondering what you were talking about, because the dress was orange. I would have left the pocket off and just used the belt as the accent, too.
Defenitly orange
Um…it’s orange. So rip off the pocket because blue and orange means your a Denver Broncos fan!
Orange here too. You did a great fitting job on it though, the change was tremendous, especially in the back.
The dress is a great orange dress but lose the pocket! The belt was the right touch for color.
it is so orange…lose the pocket, keep the belt…. and I adore your refashions !! you rock !!
I’m with the orange/take off the pocket crowd! But love the style with the belt and flops 😄
It’s definitely orange. Cute, but orange. =)
It’s almost UT Vol orange! 🙂 And about the pocket, I could see cutting the hole into a pattern, like a star or circle, and putting the same fabric underneath to “shine ” thru all them polka dots.
<3 it!
Sorry, looks orange to me!!!:-)
Orange 🙂 Would be a great dress to wear to a FL gator game!
I would say the dress is orange, no doubt.
Sorry to say, but it was the first thing I asked myself after you said red and white were covered…. “Isn’t that orange?!”. Haha… no worries, still looked super cute!
Orange. I kept reading how you referred to it being red so I thought I had a monitor issue. But looks like orange it is.
Yes, refashion for a plus size or even a size 12/14/16 would be great. Cause you look good in EVERYTHING!
LOL! Totally orange! Also totally awesome. 🙂 You inspire me, and I’m getting braver about the ‘Chop’ part of things. I found a couple of great thrift stores near home, so my retail shopping days are over! Second hand and refashioned is my game now. Thanks for your Blog, and enjoy your BBQ with friends!
I’m in the orange camp too I’m afraid…
… (I really hope somebody says red?)
I say orange but you get huge KUDOS for at least trying to be patriotic. You are a SUUUPER STAAAAR!!!
RIP Jake Whetten and the many, many other soldiers we have given their lives for our country.
“WHO” have given their lives, not “we” have given their lives.
I think it turned out cute!! I wouldn’t call it true orange, but it’s not really true red either. More of a bright coral.
I was really glad to see that other people thought it was orange too, because I was about to try to readjust the color on my PC screen when you called it red, LOL! For the record, I like the pocket.
Sorry but reaaaaaly orange! And I should know, living in Holland, where the national colour is… Orange! Greetz, Suzanne
So very orange, but so very cute!
Orange. But hey, orange and blue are complimentary colors – like the Sunkist can! Very fun dress!
Just what I was thinking – orange and blue are complimentary!
orange….and…..can you take the pocket off 🙂
I’m sorry to say but it is orange. 🙁 I have to say I love this refashion including the pocket! I have a question to ask. Well I’m 11 soon to be 12 and love to do refashions and such. I really love your blog and thought I’d be cool to do one of my own. But I’m totally not gonna make a blog like yours if its not cool with you! So if you end up reading this I’d love a reply thx! Keep up the good work. Ill love you always refashionista!
Thanks! 🙂 What? You should totally do a refashioning blog if that’s what you want to do! I think it would be really fun to see a younger slant on the whole eco fashion thing. Go for it!
Yes, yes! Me too! do it! I would love to see your ideas on refashioning from a younger perspective! Let us know! I love the dress and it looks orange to me. I love orange!
Well thanks! 😀 I’ll defanitly have to hit up my local thrift shop and on once I start it I’ll defanitly tell you my blog name. Also thanks to the others who commented saying they’d like to see me do a blog. It’s nice to know that when I do make my blog some people would be interested. So thanks again!
You rock girl, totally make it happen! Be fun & creative and let the world know what you’re up to. 🙂
Go, Abby – you can be Refashionista Junior! I would love to see your refashions since I have a daughter who just turned 12. She is totally not into fashion, but maybe you would inspire her!
Do the Blog! And let us all know when you post 🙂
You go girl!! Refashionista junior! Make sure you link your blog here for us!
at your age I think it would be inspiring to other girls (and even women) to do your own refashions! start a blog…you just might be on to something fabulous!!
Teen Refashionista!
I thought orange too… When you said red, I was like, “My computers color must be off!” Ha! Still super cute!!
This is exactly what I thought!!
Looks orange to me but no worries. Orange and blue are complimentary! Looks great!
I love the way u redid this dress!!😊😉😊 but it orange boo😘🙈🙊
Love the dress! It is orange – but why can’t orange be the new red?!
Orange 😉
Sorry to agree with the rest commenting, it’s orange…BUT it’s absolutely lovely. One of my fav items you refashioned so far! Great idea to add a pocket! Love it
Have to agree…. Orange! Belt was cute but also hated the pocket…sorry!….it looks so out of place!
Aww…boo! I like my silly pocket! But I can always take my seam ripper to it if I get sick of it. 🙂
Orange sorry, still really cute. Thanks so much for the inspiration you give, I love reading your blogs and seeing the steps of your refashions. Have you ever refashioned anything that was too small? Would love to see something like that.
Thank YOU for reading my lil bloggy blog! I have yet to refashion something that was too small with any success. :/ But hey! I hadn’t refashioned anything with a lining with any success until this refashion…so maybe I can figure it out! 🙂
haha orange, silly!!
I agree with the other commenters, both that the dress is pretty orange and that you are adorable. Your blog gave me the courage to remake a thrift store skirt and it turned out great!
It’s ORANGE! But orange and blue go well together ~ opposites on the colour wheel….. Who cares you look great in it…
I must admit I also thought it was orange when I saw it.
I am gonna say vintage red…kinda orange/red, burnt red LOL. Still fabulous!
Hello, I love your refashions! But, I must agree with your friends, your dress is orange. 🙂
Sorry,sweetie, but orange. A very reddish orange tho.
It is orange. Very nicely done. Trust me, that pocket will come in handy. (phone, keys, lipstick, etc.)
Definitely orange, however…we are from Illini Country so, orange & blue is a perfectly acceptable (and admired) color combination!!!
Ah, it is orange. That was my very first thought.
It’s definitely orange. I like how you added blue. You are a very talented lady.
My first thought when I saw the picture was … why did she refash an orange dress for Memorial Day?!?! Cute dress, though. I love your faces in the before pictures, but I hate it when you cross your eyes. You’re too pretty for that!
your dress is more orange than a pumpkin! more orange than a creamsicle! more orange than… 🙂 but it’s OH SO CUTE!! i LOVE it with that blue patch pocket and belt. you look smashing, my dear!!
I love you, I really do, but I’m afraid it’s orange and there’s really no debate about that.
Sorry hun. But that is completely orange. Lol
When I first saw the picture I thought it was orange. I went right along with you when you said it was red though. Pretty sure it is orange though!
Pleeease take that pocket off your cute orange dress. I’m still giving you all the points though, since unlike your awesome friends, you at least tried to dress patriotically. :》Love your blog!
Very orange! Love the cut out in the back and it’s a cute dress 🙂 Take off the pocket, though… it’s a bit tacky. And the belt makes it look a bit funny too. I know you needed red. white, and blue, but I’m not sure it worked 😉 AMAZING stitch work though… I’d buy this dress off you!
Definitely orange–my favorite color. Blue goes great with orange so good choice there… my fav combo is orange and turquoise. the belt is great and your blog on this was too. You’re so cute and looks like you have a ton of fun with all your friends. . Oh, and the tip on pinning the dress and lining together will be used by me sometime in my repurposing!! Thanks
Yes, dear, it is orange- but more of a red based than yellow based orange…so, close, but no cigar. 🙂 I love this dress! And I actually love the pocket too– the pop of blue coupled with the blue belt is loverly!
Definitely Melon(y)/Orange.
Orange for sure! But orange comes from red and yellow so really it’s red’s baby. But it’s fabulous so who cares??!!
Orange it is! Love the way you refashioned the dress with the lining, I’m going to have to try that!
Orange 🙂
Orange and pocket removal are clear winners today!
Really cute and really orange
Sorry; I have to agree that it’s orange. I would also take the pocket off; I think it brings the cute dress down.
It is orange. I thought maybe my monitor was messed up when you said it was red. It is very cute though. And I have to say that after I stumbled upon your blog at pinterest I have been a huge fan ever since. You have inspired me to look beyond size and stuff when I am shopping at the thrift stores. I am now refashioning clothes for myself! Yay me! So thank you so much!
Totally orange, but a beautiful orange. I am a plus sizable gal. I can find lots of super oversize tops and dresses. I have refashioned 4 shirts so far this spring. As for skirts, I have taken several “all you can eat” dresses, cut off the top part, and made them into wrap skirts. Of course, my 23-year-old daughter is tiny (size 4-6) so have fun refashioning things for her too.
Fantastic, but yes, orange. Who cares? It’s awesome.
Orange bit who cares cause your fabulous!
Orange. Definitely orange. Love it, as usual.
That dress is Orange! And I really don’t like the placement or the color of the pocket…other than that great job. Also could you please post more often? lately you’ve been only posting once a week and skipping Q&A mondays and thrift score thursdays. 🙁
I’M NOT A MACHINE!!!! Hehe…kidding! 🙂 Been a little under the weather lately. I promise to post more often. 🙂 Buuuut…I like the pocket!!!
Here’s hoping you are feeling better now.
You just post when you want to. Don’t be pushed into it! It takes the fun out if it!!
We were spoiled with the challenge when we got to get a new post EVERY day! 🙂
Orange, but still very cute!
Yeah, unfortunately, I’ll have to agree with the rest, it’s orange! Super cute refashion though. I love the back of the dress! Keep up the good work! 😀
Orange, but who doesn’t love orange with blue accents?? This was super cute. I LOVE the back! You could steal this idea and use it in a future refashion I think. Super cute.
Not to beat a dead horse or anything but ORANGE and hate the pocket!
Its orange!
Orange-Love it anyway!!!! You just keep doing what you are doing, colorblind or not!!! I look at your blog as an inspiration to me and others–I so would not expect you to refashion something in my size!!!!! It’s your baby–raise it the way you want. GREAT BLOG!!!!
Well said, Kerry! As far as I know, this blog is pretty much a labor of love on Jillian’s part – so Jillian, keep doing your wonderful refashions for YOURSELF & we can all take inspiration! And it’s always a treat to see a new post from your blog, whether it’s 3x/wk or once every 2 weeks.
Orange for sure…but oh so cute! You are very inspiring! I am a young, hip 🙂 mother of three girls and we live on a budget. You have shown me how easy and AWESOME this is and all of my girls are on board and love your blog! Thank you for the great Ideas!
It’s orange – but absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing!
Sorry, but I thought the colors on my phone were off. Definitely it’s orange. I started reading you blog yesterday and already saw your refashions since 2012. Great blog, very inspiring. Keep up the great job!!
definitely orange.
super duper blog
so very much enjoying each one
Awesome job! Love the pocket!
I read through the comments and I felt the need to comment on the comments. Haha
However often, or not-so-often, you post is fine. We don’t pay you to do this (though sometimes I feel that I should) so we shouldn’t expect anything from you.
Also, as a plus size woman I would love to see plus size refashions but I don’t come to your blog expecting them. You are petite so I expect to find petite refashions. Makes sense to me… That being said, if you happen to hear about any refashioning blogs for plus size clothing, please share them! Thanks in advance!
I know you don’t NEED me to tell you that you’re doing a great job, but I know sometimes it helps to hear (or read in this case) that we’re doing something right, so… You’re doing something right!! Great job!! 🙂
My sentiments EXACTLY!!
Jillian – you are truly an inspiration to me and I have shared your blog with so many of my friends. You ROCK!
& Well said Nichole!
I completely agree Nicole.
Orange!!! And totally cute!!!!
It looks orange…but such a cute refash 🙂
Is totally orange !!!, cute and orange 🙂
I think it’s orange too. Really cute!
It is orange, but oh so awesome! What you can do with fabric is amazing.
Orange… 🙂
A lovely coral-y orange, and don’t worry about it if commenters hate the pocket. They ain’t wearing the thing – you are! Thanks for sharing your inspiring and highly entertaining work with the world. 🙂
It looks orange to me. Very cute dress, though… and you get the point across, whether it’s red or orange.
Sorry, it’s definitely orange. It is very lovely though xx
That pocket is cute 🙂 As for the color , it could be either a cadmium orange , coquelicot or dark tangerine…not an expert, but this site helps identify colors – they have weird fun names for them (i sometimes use it in my refashions):
Hi there, sorry to say, but it is ORANGE. It is a fantastic refashion, though. You guys are soooooooo blessed with your warm season starting, as it is Autumn here is South Africa with winds gusting and watered down sunshine. It is especially cold around the coast.
Have a great time and party on.
And here I thought I was the only South African in these woods 🙂
I enjoy this blog sooooooooooooooo much. Good to know your out there and enjoying it.
Sorry my dear, but it is indubitably orange.
Sorry Refashionista, I love you, but it’s orange.
Yep, sorry to say but I think oranges the go!!
Yes Love, It is orange. Still looks fabulous!
It makes me sad to say so, but it’s orange Refa.
I hope no one punned this already but you look very PATCH-riotic!
I too think your dress is orange.
Sure it’s “red” (wink, wink), orange you glad I didn’t say orange? LOL. Honey, love you, but….it’s sooooo orange!
That was a cute refashion. I think it is orange
And for what it’s worth, love the pocket and belt………….adds a pop of color and pizzazzzzz!
I don’t want to agree with your friends, BUT the first thing I thought when I saw the dress was, “What a cute orange dress!”. Still, who are we to question the refashionista? I
Orange :p One thing for sure, those honest friends of yours are good friends. 🙂
Sorry – but it’s DEFINITELY orange! I was thinking – whoa – where’s the red in the red, white & blue? LOL
Looks orange to me
Sorry…orange. I was trying to figure out if my screen coloring was off when you were talking about having red and white, but needed a dash of blue.
It’s orange. Unlike so many of the others, I like the pocket! It’s cute and unexpected.
I’ve been totally inspired by you (I read your ENTIRE blog in the last two weeks!) to refashion some clothes this summer, for me and for my daughter. I’m going to use clothes we already have in our closets, with maybe just a few additions from garage sales. (Our goodwill is too expensive!)
Love your refashions! Soo as soon as you mentioned patriotic I thought? Huh? That’s orange! Either way great job! You’re so inspiring! Still looking for $1 clothes to refashion. Hell I’d be happy finding some at $5.
I would say it’s orange. But I think my dog is red and everyone keeps calling him brown, so, what do I know? Regardless of what color it is, it looks great!
Scarlet. That’s what I’d call it. It is dead in the center of red-orange and fire-engine red. Therefore, it could be classified as a red or an orange. I have a friend who always classifies blue-greens as greens and I would always classify them as blues. I think colors that are on the border there can go either way. That said, it’s not really what I would consider an American-flag-red, which is quite a bit deeper towards crimson, but that’s okay, because overdoing it on holiday colors can be kind of cliche and cheesy.
I must say, the pocket turned out better than I expected it to.
This is very cool thing to do with a dress. Wish we were nearly half as talented as you are to do something like this!
Best to you dear! x
I thought it was. My monitor but it is Very orange to me ! As to the pocket.. It is cute in a kind of Anthro way. Very Aux current.
Yep its orange. Didn’t care for that pocket either. But it was a super cute dress.
totally orange
Totally organge,but that supper cute dress got less cute with that pocket.
might be orange but I love it! Great Job!
Definately orange but super cute still though.
WHAT IS WITH THE POCKET HATERS?!?! I loved the pocket and everything about that orange dress! But seriously….HATERS! nothing is wrong with the cute pocket!
Confirmed your are color blind but you got the blue!
Orange you gonna be mad if we tell you ! Lol!
Most certainly orange!! 🙂 The blue patch makes your dress Florida Gator colors!!
It’s definitely orange but looks awesome.
Most definatley orange.
Orange, absolutely 😛
very cute dress and yes I see ‘orange not ‘red’!
It’s orange and completely awesome (except for the pocket, sorry). I wish I could wear orange.
Either way it came out looking awesome but I do have to say that in the picture the dress does look orange to me 🙂
Not going to say a word about the colour except that it’s not red – at least, it’s not the red of the flag, not on my monitor anyway 🙂
I was really happy to see how you did the side seams, because I’ve wondered the same thing and never tried doing the two layers together for the same reasons you gave. Now I know! Thanks. And, it turned out great – love the back – it looks much different once the fit is corrected.
On the page in this pc it appears to be orange. I really love the back idea, it’s a lovely dress.
It’s orange hon, bless your heart you did a wounderful job and a very thoughtful one on such a day to boot. Also I spent the whole day rit dyeing thanks to you. It was FABULOUS! The origional plan was just my flour sack dish towels then pretty much everything white I owned went into a dye bath (I’m a Mom of 3 boys so it’s the little things in life : D) my husband was like “I’m glad your enjoying yourself”! Also I was gonna tell you my big sister is stationed there in the good ol’ SC and she is supposed to be sending me her extra sewing machine again thanks to you I will be starting the 365 day challenge here in Friendswood TX as soon as that sewing machine makes the trip I’m so excited!!
Hahahahaha! Be careful…I think they put an addictive chemical in dye! DYE ALL THE THINGS!!! 😉
That’s so cool that you’re going to do a 365 day challenge! Keep me posted! 🙂
I think your right!! Seriously it was SO much fun! I will I actually have done a couple already that didn’t need sewn, so far it has been so fulfilling!! I forgot about things I enjoy. I’ll keep you posted! Take care.
Also I wanted to add that I believe these women posting asking you to do refashions that work for them are being incredibly rude mainly in tone, as if you owe them this because you have a blog or because they are larger than you are. This is not your job, you do have a life and going out of your way or asking others to when you do this because its something you enjoy is just out of line. My suggestion to them would be to start their own blog and find friends that would like to help them refashion clothing in their own sizes. I would love to see you continue to post AT YOUR OWN LEISURE. Because I have found so much inspiration in your blog even as a larger woman.
Its orange but don’t fear! Its adorable!!!
As an artist I must chime in……..Orange and blue are opposite on the Color wheel which makes them complimentary. Everything you make is Super cute. You could probably make a burlap sac look fashionable.
Hmmmmmnnnn…is that a challenge????? 😉
Yes, yes, yes!! I’d love to see what you’d do with it, Jillian! Maybe a “Burlap Sack Throwdown” between all the refashioners out there! 🙂
And by the way, has any other entree gotten so many comments?!
Definitely orange. But super cute nonetheless!
Well… You could always wear it to a visit to Amsterdam… Love it anyways <3 Your designs are always so beautiful 🙂 I’m a UK size 12 so all I do is adapt some of your Refashions to suit my body 🙂 I admire u for keeping up with this blog even though you’ve had some super busy times 🙂 keep up with all your work
Lots of hugs from Malta xx
Ha! I’m on my way! 😉 Thank you so much! Pleeeeease email me your refashions if you like/feel comfortable. I’d love to see em! 🙂
YAY girl!! I’m with you, I just get some inspiration from the ReFashionesta her self here and do the best I can with what I have. Would you like to exchange the occasional refashion? I would love to see what your working with and I’d love to share as well!!
I would say it’s orange. I loved the blue with it tho. Great job.
I saw a pin on pinterest that had your before and after photo of an outfit and the description raved about your blog so I decided to check it out. Well, needless to say I spent way to much time on the computer because I was so entranced by your ideas on the blog. It is such an inspiration. There is also the fact that I ran up on the dachshund photo and story and cracked up because my dachshund chewed our outside phone line when he was a puppy and we had no phone service for a while. Anyway, love your blog.
Definitely orange, but still gorgeous! I’m going to have to remember your seam technique for my cosplays and taking in my own clothes.
I think it looks pretty orange. But love love love! I love the back! And that pocket is so adorable! The blues really pop!
7 months ago I discovered your blog and read every post you had up until that point in like 3 days! Was very inspired! Sew, I followed in your refashion footsteps and haven’t bought clothing from retail stores since! After changing jobs, this proved to be a challenge. But I wasn’t going to cave! It forced me to open my eyes up to all the awesome thrift stores around Kansas City! I went to town refashioning what I had in my own closet (Which surprised me! I fell in love with “new” pieces all over again!) And I looked for bargains to refashion too! Some were trial and error – needless to say: my sewing machine and I had some fights – but all in all worked it out to create some incredible items!
Can’t wait for your next great refashion! I have made an app link on my phone. So I just tap it and it takes me straight to your website! Thanks!
It’s orange. But orange is more fun than red anyway.
Totes Tiger orange! (Sorry, sugar, I’m an upstate gal 😉
Looks great, that cute ORANGE dress.
It’s red orange! Debate solved! Love this dress btw!!! Great refashion as always 🙂
I definitely think it’s orange, but it’s still AWESOME! I love it!
I would say that that it is orange
Oh dear. I seem to be colorblind! Yikes! I wonder how many other colors I’ve been getting wrong all this time…
I am a firm believer that life is what you make it…..or in your case “clothes are what you make them”. You made me believe it was red!
I was slightly confused when you were talking about the patriotic theme of this dress….on that note Yep it is orange! But orange you glad you asked!!
Still a cute frock
The dress might be orange… but the dots look white, and the pocket is definitely blue. 2 out of 3!
Orange…sorry! 🙂
I was confused when you wrote that you had red and white because it looks orange to me!!! Love the dress though.
I love the dress, too, but it looks orange to me
Love it!!! But defiantly orange :/
It’s orange!! But still fab!
Definitely orange! But still very cute!
*^5s* to Andrea Miller for stating it the best: i am also a plus size; i find Jilly amazingly talented & inventive & would adore to see her do some plus size stuff; BUT…this is JILLY’S blog so let us all allow JILLY to decide what sort of refashes she will create & post, shall we? I am sure, if we tried a lil bit, we could find other “refashionistas” who do plus size refashes.
Well, i am with the majority, as i thought at first: “what a lovely orange dress!” ~ Then, you said “red”, & i thought, “Uh, no Jilly! That is definitely a bright ORANGE…as in the fruit!! NO visible ‘red’ to it!!” ~~~ But it is still a terrific redo, & the turquoise-blue belt looks terrific with it! Again, along with so many others: i do not care for the pocket. But hey!…if you like it, it IS you wearing it, so…ignore us! 😉
It is orange…sorry. But i loved it!!! Especially the blue pocket on the orange dress because I am an Auburn fan so those are my teams colors 🙂
I agree with Meg. Definitely Orange. But very cute!
Orange. 🙂
I really love this refashion! It was one of my favorites. Even if it is orange 😉 I especially love the pocket! Not sure why everyone hated on it. There is nothing better than a dress with pockets! Keep up the good work!
Yep, definitely orange. Great dress!
Sorry, hun. It looks like a fabulous orange dress. MAYBE coral, but nonetheless, it looks wonderful and I’m jealous of it. I wanna see if I can make something with one of those backs.
PS, I forgot about the jersey dress. I really really liked your spin on the template. Have you thought about doing something like that again?
Haha! Thanks!
I HAVE thought about doing something like that again. And I should! 🙂
Orange for sure! 😀
love the dress!
Orange, but oh so cute!
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