My DIY Save the Dates
Fella and I have been engaged for a while now, and have finally set the date for our big day! I decided to make my own Save the Date magnets from a bunch of materials that were about to be thrown out by my buddy’s business. Yup…these were totally FREE for me to make. 🙂
I had a bunch of colored file folders.
I had loads of fabric scraps from all my sewing projects.
I had a big stack of these magnets from last year’s symphony season (not too useful for anyone now).
I also had some really nice letterhead stationery and envelopes that were an old logo, and were about to be thrown out with the folders and magnets.
I cut, pasted, and sewed.
And now I have some pretty awesome Save the Date magnets for our nearest and dearest! 🙂
They look terrific, they’re eco-friendly, and they didn’t cost a thing! 🙂
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7 Responses to My DIY Save the Dates
Suuuuuuuper cute.
You thrifty little ladybug you! They look fantastic! 🙂
What a great idea!
Congratulations! Your save the dates look great – are you going to be refashioning a wedding dress too?! 😉
What a beautiful way to announce your special day in a way that says a lot about who you are. Good for you – they are really wonderful!
I just found your blog via refashion co-op, you are very creative. I like your work!
Thanks! I’m digging your blog as well. I really like your style! 🙂
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