Q &…No Answer…Just a Refash!
Ah yes…I could answer any of the questions my inbox is teeming with, but instead, I’m just gonna do a lil refash for ya…mkay? 🙂
I started with this pepto bismol-hued, heavily shoulderpadded 2 piecer:
No no no no NO! After a long Sunday spent tirelessly cleaning my hovel, all I wanted to do was slip into something comfy & casual. With temps in the 70s (FINALLY!!!!), I knew exactly where to go with this one!
Keep in mind I was extremely tired, so this is just a quickie refash!
I put the jacket-y thing back on the hanger. It will come into play at a later date. For now we’re just going to deal with that dress!
First, I made a big chop!
I put that bottom scrap with the jacket-y thing. You’ll be seeing them both again in the near future! 🙂
Then, I pinned a hem on my future top!
Under the needle it went!
After that, there was just one more step!
Oh the Irony! (hehe)
And just like that, I had a comfy new top to wear while mooching a pal’s cable in order to watch the season finale of The Walking Dead!
I actually found the finale a bit underwhelming. :/
Did I mention I was tired? As in too tired to even set up my tripod?
Seriously…too tired to stand up for a proper “after” shot.
I barely had the energy to lift my hand for this stupid-looking pose (I vacuumed and everything!)
I just love this coaster!
So yes…this is a ridiculously simple one. I promise to be more impressive next time! 😉
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17 Responses to Q &…No Answer…Just a Refash!
Cute top! And sometimes simple is the best way to go!
Love it! And you’re entitled to tired-ness any time, since you give us consistently awesome stuff to read! So, I’m always wondering how your “eyeballing” skills are as far as cutting in a straight line. Did you measure this one, or just winged it?
When I cut something off, I fold the bottom section over the uncut part as a guide. Easy! 🙂
Hey, I’m about to do this to a dress I just brought home from the thrift store – don’t need another dress but a nice comfy top would be welcome. Thanks for the inspiration! Can’t wait to see what you do with the leftover fabric!
also have a dress like this, looks like just the thing for it. thanks.
But it’s so cute – and that’s what counts, not how long it took 🙂
Awww! Thanks! 🙂
perfection as always
I don’t know if I’d go thaaaat far…but thanks! 😀
Cool idea, I have a dress I bought that I could do this to if I decide I don’t like it as is. I probably would get more use out of it too with jeans, shorts, etc. Hmmmm………
I found your pin via Pinterest and started all the way from the beginning. I have finally caught up, and I am excited for the new stuff, but a little sad I can’t read multiple posts in one day. I’ll get over it though. I’m actually a teacher so when I read the posts about the teacher dresses, I had to laugh. When I student taught, one of my cooperating teachers wore a very long jean dress that buttoned down the front, and those other crazy dresses definitely reminded me of her. However, don’t fear- they have not become part of my wardrobe. 🙂
Can’t thank you enough for putting the before and afters side by side at the bottom. I kept scrolling up and down on the page but it wasn’t the same. 😛
Longtime reader, first time “caller.” I also have those coasters and love them. Thanks for throwing in a really easy refash every now and then for us newbies.
Always cute and being tired is human! Don’t know how you keep up with yourself, always so busy and on the go! Make a shirt from the skirt remains,, a scarf shirt for summer. Wonder,,,, did you ever get an email from me with the directions for a no sew scarf shirt? I’m sure you get hundreds of emails from people like me daily. Anyhoo, looking forward to your next post!
Coffee. Coffee makes it happen! 🙂 I DID get that email. That’s an awesome idea! 🙂 *gears turning*
I understand the coffee — Love my Keurig!! Oh Good, I have a few scarf shirts for summer and I love them. I learned this tying method years ago when I got to go to Hawaii, it was in the directions for tying a sarong. You are tiny enough that you could use the cut offs of the dresses you refashion. Love your blog!
Beautiful ! You made me smile extra wide today. That dress was manufactured by the company I used to work for ( seeing the print brought back memories of correcting fabric.. he hee). Some things never sem to go away. Oh and by the way, it was refreshing to hear you mention how freaking tired you were. Keep them coming girlie!
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