Skirt is Shirt | ReFashionista

Skirt is Shirt

Recently, I invested in a new dress form!  I can’t believe I’ve gone so long without one.  It’s like having a clone I can use to try on things, experiment with drape, and pin!  I haven’t decided on a name for her yet.  🙂

I decided to use her to refashion this skirt.

It’s a skirt!

Now, this is a perfectly nice skirt.  Sadly, it’s too small for me (a size 0…crazy!), plus it has a couple of small stains on the waistband that I couldn’t get out in the wash.  Happily, it was a freebie!

I decided to turn this skirt into a top.  First, I cut out the lining.

Cut. It. Out.

Then, I put it on my dress form upside-down and pinned it where I wanted the neckline and arm holes to be.


Then, I ran it through my machine to make my sleeve-ish things.  🙂


Now I have a fun, blousy top made of oh-so-very-soft silk.  You can’t even see the small stains due to the way my top drapes.  🙂


My new top pairs well with Vinho Verde!

Check out my wingspan!

I headed out with my fella to celebrate a very special guy’s birthday.  🙂

Happy Birthday, J.J./Boombox Guy!!!! 🙂

J & J!

Ah, Love!

It’s Sam!

It’s Alex!


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7 Responses to Skirt is Shirt

This is Brilliant! What a creative idea. I had given up on trying to refashion an couple of dresses because the waists are too small-but I could do this with the skirt part. Fab! Can’t quite figure out if you put the skirt on the form upside down or right side up?

Thanks Wendy! I just turned the whole thing upside-down. This took about 10 minutes. 🙂

Great idea for skirt refashion to a top! I’m totally going to rip this off 😉
I notice there’s a seam down the front of the top, it is because that’s actually the back of the skirt?
Looks great, especially with the wine, haha…

Thank ya! That’s actually still the front of the skirt. The back has a zipper. The skirt had seams on the front, back, and sides. That’s the one thing I don’t like about this as a top.

You really are amazing! My hat off to you!

One word: genius.

I think this is my favourite so far, gorgeous to start with and gorgeous to finish.

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