Wannabe Th-uh…Wednesday! Really! | ReFashionista

Wannabe Th-uh…Wednesday! Really!

Hi!  It’s Wannabe Wednesday…trust me.  It just is, okay?  🙂

I’ve been coveting this funky dress from Urban Outfitters:

That’ll be $98.

Ain’t it rad?  The print is great, it looks uber-comfy, the knots are nifty, and I want one for spring!  🙂

Buuuuut…98 bucks could buy a LOT of wine (priorities!), so I’d rather make a quick copycat from a $1 thrift like this:

This is why I don’t get any fan mail from the fellas. :/

The print isn’t even close to the original, but the idea is the same.  They’re both sort of a funky “tribal” look, so it’s close enough for my purposes.

This refashion is a no-sew!  All I had to do was make one big cut.


I left the bottom edge raw, but I didn’t want it to go fray-crazy, so I applied this to the edge:

Keeps that fraying in check!

After the fray-check dried, I made a couple of knots…

Knot a problem!

And just like that, my copycat is complete! 🙂

…and I’m not even showing sideboob like in the original! 🙂

Of course, it’s still a bit chilly out, so I had to winterize it a bit!

Cozy cardi!

I wore my new dress out for a couple of drinks with friends…

Mmmmnnn…Blue Moon!

Artsy Shot!


Original Cost:  $98

Copycat Cost:  $1

Savings:  $97

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26 Responses to Wannabe Th-uh…Wednesday! Really!

In addition to saving money, you’re also saving your pride/self-respect/relationships. That original showed major side-boob. No one needs that. Especially not for $100.

No need for shaming. Anyone who wears the original dress can have self-respect AND like side-boob. And believe it or not, trust, love, and respect make a relationship, not covered boobs.

I think yours is even cuter than the original! Could you please post what the non fray stuff is called I couldn’t make it out in the picture. Thanks!

It is Fray Check.

Fray Check from Dritz http://www.joann.com/dritz-fray-check-3-4-oz-/prd2992/ Wonderful stuff!

i think your version is better than the original ! love it

Cool! Very cute and Classy! Thank you for no side boob! There’s a time and a place for that. I have no idea when and where, but I’m sure someone would know. LOL! Thank you for all the fun things you show us.

I thought the same thing about the original…I definitely can’t pull off the whole side boob thing….this was much classier and quick and fun

I gotta get a sawing machine! Do you think i can learn how to do it? I really want to!

You can do it! Just get a middle-of-the-line machine that is not too expensive to start with and give it a try. This was a no-sew, so find the right fashion to re-fashion and you are there.

Yours is so much prettier than the original girl! Love it!!

I agree with Michelle, yours is a lot cuter than the original. I like it more form-fitting….the original is a little too “saggy”, I think. And don’t get me started on the side boob…lol
Also, what is the anti-fray stuff called? Does it work well? How about after a few washes? Love your blog, I’m a die-hard faithful reader!

It is called “Fray Check”. Usually carried at any fabric/craft store.

^Yup! 🙂

Thank you so much!!! LOVE

I don’t love, or even like, the Urban Outfitters version – to me it looks like a big, saggy diaper. But yours is really cute! You go, Jillian!

I love it! It’s very versitile too, huh?

Oh! I love Blue Moon too! With an orange slice, yum!

Your version looks great! I actually prefer it to the original. Your posts always make me laugh, great writing!

Looking great as always, Jillian! The knots are such an easy way to make a boring garment interesting. Your dress looks a lot like the inspiration picture (minus the sideboob; always a good thing). And I totally agree with your spending priorities (wine>everything else). Keep up the good work!

Your copy is WAY cuter than the original!!!

Love, Marla

Ugh! I hate the original! Who would actually wear that? I like yours so much better!

This is really great! I like yours better. The ties on the side are very cool.

You are so inspirational!!! I just need to start somewhere. . . I have most of the supplies needed!

Yours is really cute and far more practical. I mean really the girl in the Urban Outfit frock leans over, the wind blows, her dress shifts – not good!

You took the good part of the original and made it smashing; love it.

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