Wannabe Wednesday: Brrrrrrr! Edition
I am beyond sick to death of all this cold weather. Where the hell is Spring? Seriously?! I’m sick of jackets and winter refashions. Cold weather just sucks the energy right out of my pores. I’ve got lots of ideas for some fab warm weather refashes…but for now *sigh* I still need to wear cozy sweaters to keep warm. :/ Meh.
I’d looooove to have this sweater by Eileen Fisher right here:
That’ll be $198.
But all I have is this sweater my mom decided she didn’t like and handed off to me:
I think it was the whole mock turtleneck thing…
I like the drapey body/fitted sleeves combo of the original version. Let’s see if I can eek out something similar!
First, I cut off the neck riiiiight where it was sewn on to the body of the sweater. This means it won’t fray and I won’t have to finish it off with my sewing machine.
Lazy, I know.
Now for taking in the rest of it! The only parts I really want to take in are the sleeves and the bottom. I just sort of wung it (past tense for wing????)!
Meh…Should work out fine!
Then, I put it through my machine, making one smooth arc.
It’s just one big line, y’all!
After trimming the sides, I still needed to take a good chunk off the sleeves and bottom if my sweater was going to look anything like the inspiration piece.
Artsy sleeve-shortening shot!
Not-so-artsy bottom chopping shot!
Then, I stitched up those edges with a zigzag.
The stitch that zigs!
Now my copycat is complete! 🙂
What is going on with my eyes??? :/
I didn’t quite ace this one. 🙁 My sweater really needs a band around the bottom, and the shape is a bit off from the original, but I think I can TOTALLY nail it next time. Learning new stuff it cool. 🙂 My new sweater is certainly good enough for a birthday dinner in honor of one swell fella!
Happy Birthday, Ryan!!! 😀
Mmmmnnnn! Ice Cream Cake!!!!
Birthday Lovin’ Buds! 🙂
We still love him, even though he’s a Florida fan! 😉
Original Cost: $198
Copycat Cost: FREE (Thanks Mom!)!!!!
Savings: $198!!!!
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29 Responses to Wannabe Wednesday: Brrrrrrr! Edition
I really like the shape of the new sleeves. Very flattering!
Thanks! The sleeves were the one part I really liked about it. 🙂
Jillian, it may not be an exact copycat, but it’s close enough for government work. I actually really like yours better than the original. I’m not really a fan of shirts with bands at the bottom, so your lack of band is what I really love about this. But if your going for something that is more similar to the original, I think the bottom band is probably all you’ll need.
Haha…they’re lucky I don’t just wear pajama jeans and tshirts every day (I HAVE done this before). 😉
I actually like your sweater better 🙂
Great job! Love how the shoes match too
Amazing! Looks completely different.
Love it, and it’s even more amazing with the cute shoes. Great job!
I really like yours as is! I agree with the comment above about bands on shirts. Very cute! I do a lot of refashioning too and I’m always nervous about sewing sweaters. You did a great job.
Thank you! I’m really trying to break out and try a few new things. 🙂
I like your version better too. It has a more attractive fit. No need for change!
Thanks! I was feeling kinda bummed about it (almost didn’t post it). You guys have helped me see it with new eyes! 🙂
Love the shoes too!
It’s been said before, but I think yours looks better than the $198 original!
Thanks! You’re too nice. 🙂
Love it! And looks so hot with that skirt and perfectly matching shoes!! Nice.
Thanks! The shoes were a lucky match, to be sure! 🙂
So cute!
Thank ya!
I like yours better too! The inspiration piece is more boyfriend-ish while yours is pretty and feminine. Pretty and feminine works better with that color and pattern 🙂
Thank you! I really wanted a boyfriendish sweater, but this one will do just fine. 🙂
Wow! This is amazingly close and I like yours better. When I saw a sweater at the beginning, I was sure it was going to end in a pile of tangled yarn at the end. I’m completely impressed.
You’re amazing! That’s so cute!
I Love yours so much more then the original! Super cute and versatile 😀
Love this so much! Ps your blog gave my daughter and I the courage to tie die her jeans which is a TOTALLY cool look! Thanks!
Thanks! And Yay! That’s awesome! 🙂
I actually prefer your refashion 🙂 I also get such a kick out of your running commentary under the pictures!
What a savings and yours looks even better! Love what you do with great finds!
I agree with the crowd. I like your version so much better. I’m not a big fan of bands on the bottom. To me, they make most bodies look more matronly. That color also looks really good on you.
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