Day 300: Party Animal Dress | ReFashionista

Day 300: Party Animal Dress

Whoa!  Check out that number, if you will (and I think you will)!  Day THREE flippin’ HUNDRED!!!!!!!!!!!!  You can tell by the superfluous exclamation points that I’m pretty excited about this.  Only 65 days to go!!!!!!!!  🙂

I had yet another reason to celebrate!  Today was the annual Riverbanks Zoo Wine Tasting!!!!  I look forward to this event every year, as it’s pretty much the event for Columbia winos.

I thought today’s piece was quite fitting for the occasion!


I really wanted to wear a dress for the event, and was still feeling inspired by Day 285′s skirt-to-dress refashion.  This was going to be a bit different, but still in the same vein.

I got started by putting the skirt on my dress form with the waistband around the neck.  then, I pinned down each side where I wanted my sleeves to be.

Future Sleeves! 🙂

I stitched down each side…


Then, I sewed a second line about 1/2 ” next to the original line.  These would be my sleeves.  I cut between the two lines, and decided to shorten my new sleeves so they’d be about 3/4 length.

Sorry Mr. Elephant…You’re cut off!

My new sleeves got new hems.

Exciting and New!!!

Now…I was allllmost done!  I just had a few little nips/tucks to do here and there to make my new dress fit properly!

This is the finicky bit!

After my last tweaks were complete, I was ready to consume copious amounts of vino!  🙂


As we wandered about, I got tons of compliments on my fab new frock!  🙂

Happy Winos! 🙂


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10 Responses to Day 300: Party Animal Dress

Absolutely wonderful!

You have a knack for finding the COOLEST prints EVER, I love this one!!

Gorgeous print, very clever and well done on getting to day 300!!!

Love this one! It’s great. I dig the print and the way the new dress fits/hangs/wears. Bravo, again!

dress is fab. Hope you’re not planning to stop at day 365? you have become part of my daily life!

I can’t believe you have been able to crank out 300 refashions! But the question remains, What will we do with out your daily posts? I will have no refashion inspiration to look forward to!

Oh My god! I LOVEEEEEEE it!!! 🙂 Great job!!!!!

OMG!!!!!! I think this is my favorite so far!!! You aren’t really going to quit after 365 days, are you????

I love it — as usual! Could you show us the back or just describe it. Were you able to just zip it up as normal?

brilliant!! love this one. love the fabric and what you did with it 🙂

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