Da Da Da-Dum!
I was completely, ecstatically, uberly excited to attend the wedding of my friends Trisha and Patrick. Of course, I needed something to wear. I decided on the hot little number below.
you can tell I’m just diggin that collar.
Unfortunately, in its natural state, it was anything BUT what I needed to wear for a wedding on a hot summer day. Time to do some hacking.
First off, I took the dress in a couple inches on each side. I chalked, pinned, sewed, and trimmed off the excess material.
My original idea involved turning this into a sleeveless number with a deep V back and front. Yeah…that just didn’t work out. I thought the results of that attempt looked sloppy, so I went in another direction.
The front of this dress has a button closure. I hacked off the top, leaving 3 buttons, and then removed those as well. My strapless dress was on its way!
I hemmed the raw edge of the top of the dress.
Sewing down the new top of my new dress!
I decided to turn the front of the dress into the back of the dress. I sewed up where the button closure used to be.
We don’t need no stinkin’ buttons!
And that was basically it! I took in the top a skosh more to make sure it would stay up. Still, I wanted a bit of extra security. I knew I’d be disgracing myself on the dance floor before the night was through, and really didn’t want any wardrobe malfunctions to occur while I was surrounded by Trisha and Patricks’ camera happy friends and family. I took a cute bra and safety pinned the top of the dress to the straps. Now it looked like a cute strappy dress.
the beeeyoooootiful bride!
Whoa…just whoa. Check out Trisha’s AMAZING dress!
Jillian + 1!
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