Day 163: Save the Caribou!
This shirt annoys me. 🙁
It’s one thing to support offshore drilling in Alaska. It’s another thing entirely to decide you are SO very much in favor of offshore drilling in Alaska that you crave the decimation of an entire species…AND want to advertise this on a flippin’ shirt!
How could you wish harm on this little guy?
The tee itself was comfy as could be, but I couldn’t deal with the caribou-hating sentiment of it.
So, I decided to make the inside of this shirt the outside of the shirt as I began the taking-in process.
Now I have a plain ol’ tee that is perfect for an evening spent bowling with friends! 🙂
I heart the Caribou! 🙂
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One Response to Day 163: Save the Caribou!
Great new shirt – a definite improvement from the original. I love your blog and thought of you when I saw this story in the NPR site:
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