Day 18: Wine not? Jeans
Today was definitely a jeans day. I began with these dingy white skinny jeans that were covered in small stains. 🙁
Dingy and Spotty! 🙁
I pulled out my dye stash and chose this one:
…because everything I wear ends up covered in wine eventually!
I tossed the jeans into the washer with the dye, some salt, and about a cup of vinegar.
Swishy Swishy!
I left the jeans in the dye bath for about an hour. I really wanted a nice, saturated color.
Then I rinsed…
Almost Done!
Now those discarded jeans are fab and fuschia!
Diggin’ the color!
My new jeans aren’t unlike these that retail for a whopping $490 from Neiman Marcus.
That’ll be $490.
Of course, my jeans were free (although I don’t get to keep them). 🙂
Do you have stained and/or dingy white clothing? Have you thought about dyeing it to see what happens?
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7 Responses to Day 18: Wine not? Jeans
Excellent idea, Check out your local consignment shops with an open mind, I good pair of pants at a fraction of the retail can be super cute pants in a different color. Thanks
Lovely colour! But although you have to give them back they´re going to a very good cause!
Dying stained clothing is my favorite fix, although I use only black dye and come out with various shades of grey. I think I overload the dye bath since I save up all my stained clothes to do one dye batch a year.
Won’t the color bleed onto other clothes when you wash it?
I have avoided dyeing anything for a long time because I was worried about just that! If you follow the instructions on the dye and wash the machine out with detergent and bleach, it’ll be just fine. 🙂 I was surprised, too!
I mean, washing the dyed clothes with other stuff? Won’t the dye bleed on to other clothes? You’re awesome BTW! Need to learn how to use my sewing machine, then I’m hoping to start refashioning!
For the first wash, I wash the dyed item by itself and keep an eye on the water to see if any dye comes out. The dye seems to do fine, as long as I rinsed it enough when I first dyed it. You should definitely start refashioning (and post to the Refashion Co-op to show everyone what you do)! 🙂
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