Day 211: D’oh! Dress
How did this happen? Today I had a guest with me while I refashioned. Sara from Dateline Carolina chatted and snapped pics while I worked. It was fun talking with her about my process, but sadly I got distracted…and…completely forgot to take any before or during pics. :/
Just pretend it looked like this, okay?
Today’s dress began as being too big and frumpy. I liked the plaid print, and I loved that is was handmade. 🙂
I took in a bunch from the back, so I could hold on to this really neat side snap. I just don’t see these very much anymore, and I’d hate to get rid of it.
I like it!
In taking it in from the back, the collar ended up with an obvious raw seam, so I made a small panel to cover it up. No prob!
That raw edge is undercover! 🙂
I also took away some of that length, and turned it into a sash. Sadly, you don’t get to see any of that. 🙁
Fortunately, Sara was nice enough to send me a few pics. 🙂 Here’s me in action!
I know…it doesn’t look very action-packed.
I promise…I’m not sad! 🙂
I promise…it’s an improvement!
Later that night, I couldn’t believe that I forgot to take the flippin’ pictures! I consoled myself with copious amounts of Indian food. 🙂
Sorry, Guys! 🙁
I promise…I won’t let this happen again!
At least you have a nifty article to look forward to reading! 😀 I’ll be sure to share it with you as soon as it’s published!
I’ll never forget again! 🙂
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7 Responses to Day 211: D’oh! Dress
The end result looks great! Another rockin’ transformation.
Indian food is always a great consolation! And it sounds like you were busy having fun, which is a very good thing 🙂
Having just reorganized my closet yesterday, I realized I hadn’t taken any BEFORE photos and now only have AFTERS. Which made me realize how you always manage to do both – which takes a lot of thinking before, during and after so you consistently do a fabulous job – you’re allowed to slip once in awhile!
This is absolutely amazing! So impressive!
That’s totally understandable – congrats on the interview!!!
It is rare to see a sewn-on snap or even very cute buttons these days. Manufactured garments seem to come with the cheapest closures possible. The other day I was making something and when I tried it on I thought it would look good with a frog closure. Then I searched and searched for one and could not find it. I may try a DIY version.
I really envy you for your skills! Well done 🙂
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