Day 224: Art Dec-oh! Dress
Check out the ah-mazing art deco print on this sad frock! 🙂
The print if fab, but the rest is drab! :/
The shape of this dress was…well…simply not there. The neck tie thingy was terrible, and all of the seams were riddled with holes!
Riddled, I say!
I immediately grabbed my seam ripper and got to removing that silly neck tie thingy, because bows belong on the necks of cute little kittens, not grown women!
Let ‘er rip! 🙂
After the tie was removed, I was left with some raw edges that needed taken care of.
Pin it down, then sew it!
I also stitched the raw edges of that neck tie thingy under. It’ll come in handy in just a bit. 🙂
Refashing a Sash!
I restitched all the seams on my new dress, including the sleeve hems, which had also come undone.
Stitch that Sleeve!
Whew! So now I’m done with the repair work, but I still need to fix that length!
The new bottom of my dress even got a new hem!
I used that neck tie thingy as a sash for my waist, shimmied into a pair of red tights, and got to Art Bar just in time to catch my karaoke buddy, Geof’s band: Side by Side! 🙂
What’s black and white and red all over?
Such a talented guy!
I’m with the band! 🙂
While out, I ran into my friend, Jimmy…who promptly tried to choke me (obviously in an attempt to take over this blog)! 🙂
Fun times! 🙂
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3 Responses to Day 224: Art Dec-oh! Dress
Cute one!
Love your refashions , and your “before” photos, always brings a smile on my face 🙂
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