Day 249: Unfinished Business Dress
When Patti at Revente’s Last Call handed me this piece, I knew it would make a perfect refashion!
It’ll be perfect, I say!
You’re looking at a handmade dress that someone didn’t quite finish. Given the shapelessness of the thing, I can understand why!
You can see where they basted the arm holes, but didn’t add any sleeves.
Unfinished Business!
No worries, slacker who started this dress! 😉 I’ll take over from here!
My first order of business was to close up those arm holes. It’s really warm here, so going sleeveless suited me just fine!
Finishing off that arm hole!
Then I fitted the dress on my dress form to make it nice and snug!
Then, I sewed up each side!
Now that dress is fabu instead of frumpsville! 🙂
Isn’t that print awesome???
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9 Responses to Day 249: Unfinished Business Dress
That refashion made me go WOW when I saw the end result. Holy fabulousness – that is FREAKING AWESOME on you Jillian! Just need some heels 🙂 (I’m a heel girl, what can I say?) Holy crap Batman – this has got to be my alltime FAVORITE refashion for you. PLEASE don’t give it away!
I say take up the hem a few more inches. Love the print,
I love the fabric!!!
Super cute! Good job defrumping.
Love the print material! How arty. Great job with the refash – looks great.
Pretty!!! Adore that print and the way you put everything together 🙂
I’m so glad you kept the length even though it’s not the most flattering, it kept that magnificent print grading intact. The slimness of the dress makes up for the length. Gorgeous girl!
my favourite of them all!
I knew that dress would look great on you…just needed a little nip and tuck!The print on that dress is fabulous!
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