Day 256: Ashes of Roses Dress | ReFashionista

Day 256: Ashes of Roses Dress

Today’s dress is one of those truly hideous numbers that should have never been thought of.  Seriously.

I kind of want to slap the person who designed this terrible thing.

Ugh.  I had been putting off refashioning this hideous dress for a really long time, but my refash stash was low.  I wasn’t certain that I could do anything to save it!

When in doubt, I just start removing the things that annoy me.  🙂

Any step forward is in the right direction!

I pinned my new armholes, and put them under the needle!

Going sleeveless for a warm SC day! 🙂

Okay…things are looking better!  But I think I can do a bit more chopping!  🙂

Chop and Chop!

I tied the bias binding from the bottom of the dress around my waist as a mini-sash,  and hopped out the door to rehearsal!  🙂

Time to go outfit some zombies! 🙂

After rehearsal, I spent a little time with some fun people at Karaoke Night!  🙂

Hi Herbie! 🙂

Happy Birthday, LA! 🙂


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10 Responses to Day 256: Ashes of Roses Dress

So cute! I love seeing your creations…so inspiring! I can’t wait to see what is next!!!!

I actually let out a gasp of horror when I saw the ‘before’ photo. Well done on saving that poor dresses life!!!

That is a truly incredible transformation – amazing!

Dont know how you saved that one but great job as usual!

wow wow wow! I think even the previous *cough* designer would agree you truly rescued that fabric from landfill! Well done !!

I love what you’ve done with it, its a gorgeous yet cute dress, well done!

It’s beautiful fabric, I’m glad you were able to rescue it!! Very cute refashion. I love it!

Awesome again. Do you actually hem or just cut and go?

I think that I would still want to remove that weird fabric thing from around the waist but removing the sleeves helped A LOT!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha…. ho ho ho ho ho ho…. oh I have tears in my eyes from the ‘before’ picture. Crime against fashion! But as usual, you have birthed a beautiful phoenix from the flames of hideousness!

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