Day 313: Spilf Dress
Every time I start dating someone new, a protective little voice inside me says, “Hey little buddy (I don’t know why the voice calls me that…it’s very condescending)…don’t get too excited! This probably isn’t gonna work out for ya, M’kay?” 😉 Yes. The voice even manages to add on a winking emoticon. Dating so soon after the the end of a serious relationship is probably a pretty terrible idea. But I always think to myself, “Hey! Life is short! Get back in there and try again!” like a punch-drunk fighter after every breakup.
So…after a short stint dating someone I really liked I was…well…dumped. :/
C’mon! How could you not want this?!?!
It happens. Thankfully we hadn’t been seeing each other for very long at all. He wasn’t a jerk about it or anything and he’s not a bad guy (Just in case he’s reading this right now 😉 ). And no…there are no pics of us on this blog, so don’t even try to figure out who it was, okay?
Sorta made me feel like these cargo pants that had been dumped off at Revente’s Last Call (just go with the lousy metaphor, okay?). Of course, they’re too big for me, but they had another issue as well!
Oh dear!
I was just going to turn this into a skirt, but decided to try something a bit more odd with this one (disappointment breeds creativity). 🙂
I unpicked the crotch.
Pick! Pick! Pick!
I unpicked all the way down each leg. Then I put it on my dress form and got to pinning! It was time to make this cargo skirt a cargo dress with lots of pockets…perfect for toting any residual emotional baggage! 🙂
Pinning the back!
Pinning the front!
Then, I got to sewing!
I tried my dress on, but it still needed a bit more tweaking. I tried to keep the back pockets just as they were, but they made the back of the dress sag. :/ So…I sewed right through ‘em! 🙂
Taking in the back a bit more!
I cut off some of the length, and gave my dress a new hem. When I tried it on, it looked pretty blah. Then I remembered this top from Year 1. I’d worn it all one one time, and then decided I didn’t care for it very much. I decided to borrow its straps for my new dress!
Thanks, Old Top! 🙂
I pinned them down, then stitched them into place.
Now my odd little dress was ready for a day at work. The SC Arts Commission has recently moved to a new building, and I’ve been setting up my new office! 🙂
Do you like my Matchy-Matchy headband? 🙂
And here’s how the back turned out!
Le back!
Sadly, no one at work got to see my sweet new dress, as we haven’t quite figured out how to make our new digs a normal human temperature! I borrowed my boss’ sweater, after promising not to refashion it! 😉
Mrrrrph!!! Brrrrrr!!!!!
As I left work that day, it began to rain. I can not catch a break some days! As I walked the five blocks to my car, I cursed at myself for leaving my umbrella in Guywho Dumpedme’s (names have been changed to protect the innocent) car.
Wet, Cranky, and Blurry!
So I’ve decided to just not do that whole dating thing for a good bit, as apparently I’m not terribly good at it. :/
Pass the pajama jeans and 13 cats!
I’m going to be the World’s Hottest Spinster…a Spilf, if you will!
Time to get a new umbrella. I won’t lose it again.
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11 Responses to Day 313: Spilf Dress
Sorry to hear about your breakup, but I commend you for getting back up on the horse so day, the guy that can handle all your awesome will sweep you off your feet. I gotta say, pants to dress….I like.
I’m sorry, but why does your office furniture look like a kindergarten room? I’m not trying to be mean, it just looks tiny to me. Is it Jillian sized?
Haha…it’s the weirdo plastic chairs isn’t it? 🙂 Everything is normal grownup-sized, I promise. But it DOES kind of look like I’m about to host a story hour! 🙂
You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find the prince – but some of the frogs can be quite cute and fun!
You don’t need 13 cats, just one that you are totally crazy about. Your readers will love it when she shows up in photos and on days when you are sick and feeling less than beautiful, you can feature shot of her while showing us how to make kitty things out of our scraps. I’ve had mine for 14 years and she has nurtured me through many breakups.
Hi Miss! I’ve been a long time lurker of your Fantastically amazing and oh so cleverly brilliant blog for awhile now, It really is the highlight of my boring report-running librarian morning to see what new wonders you’ve refashioned. Seeing as I’m crap at comforting people in general, but I wanted to make you feel better I figured I’d break my silence and tell you that you are AWESOME-SAUCE x1 million!
Sorry to hear about your breakup but don’t give up. The right guy for you is out there and how is he going to find you if you’re not out there to be found?
aw, cut yourself some slack! Now you can say you got the whole rebound thing out of the way. Like others have said already, it’s going to take someone pretty special to measure up to your awesomeness; but rest assured he’s out there. A break is probably a good idea though, just cause you need to focus on yourself. It always happens that the right one comes along when you’re not looking for him, or least expect it.
Boooo, sorry to hear that. x
Miss ReFashionista, I love love love you and your blog!! You are very clever and cute. The right one will come along and the wrong ones will move along, move along (sings). Live your life girl, and tell that voice in your head to shut it! lol.
Awwww! Thanks you guys! Way to make this Spilf smile! 🙂
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