Day 326: Crankypants Dress
I absolutely hate that clothing like this has come into fashion. 🙁
Jammies belong in the bedroom…and NOWHERE else!!!!
I see this all the time when I’m driving through USC’s campus or at the grocery store. Scads and scads of young women with their hair and makeup done…but wearing loungewear in public! Color me old-fashioned, but I think we all owe it to the people we interact with every day to look as nice as we possibly can. By being properly frocked for my day, I’m showing my respect and esteem for the people around me (Keep in mind that most of my ideas/standards are pretty flippin’ ridiculous). Plus, looking nice puts me in a good mood. 🙂
These pants have so much potential! I’ve gotten over my hatred of the color pink, and actually like how I look in the once-despised hue. 🙂 Plus, these loungy pants are made of…CASHMERE!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Hooray for luxury!!!!
I knew I didn’t want to keep these guys as pants, so I started snipping away the inner leg and crotch seams.
Don’t worry! It’s really tight-knit and it won’t fray! 🙂
After I snipped, I saw the reason these pants ended up in my custody: They were riddled with teensy holes. :/
I put the pants on my dress form, and began pinning them into a dress shape!
Taking shape! 🙂
Then, I stitched the pinned seams down!
A slightly different whirrrrrrrrrr angle! 😉
I trimmed off the excess material, saving one long bit to use as a sash. I really lucked out with this refash, as all the little holes were only on the fabric that was snipped away! 🙂
Now those lackluster lounge pants are a pretty beach coverup dress for an awesome Karaoke Cabana Night! 🙂
Loving being encased in Caaaaahshmere! 🙂
Evelyn likes to go out in style too! 🙂
Patrick looks like every mean rich guy in every 80′s teen movie ever made!
Buds! 🙂
BadFoto. 🙁
Get in the pool!!!! 🙂
Cheers! 🙂
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6 Responses to Day 326: Crankypants Dress
Hoorray for former-loungewear cashmere maxi dresses!
I hear you about having standards! My house is in a relatively smart neighbourhood, but my old place was a in a very different area, and I used to see this all the time. Women in PJs -and sometimes nightgowns and rollers!- walking their kids to school!! Someone said to me once: “It’s not difficult: if you could sleep in it, you shouldn’t leave the house in it!”.
My thoughts exactly! Neighbor wears pjs to drop her kids off at school every morning, and when I get home from work she is still in them. YUCK! Must be nice to be a stay at home mom, but for the love of yourself get dressed! Grosses me out, the thought of sleeping in something all night and then wearing it the whole next day *shivers*.
Good job on the refashion!
It looks like it’s working for you but I wonder how much you will wear this. Cashmere is warm, soft, and wonderful when it’s chilly out, but that’s not when you want to go sleeveless. You can always add another layer, but if you get another nice cashmere piece, maybe you can do something that’s creative with a couple different colors and some sort of sleeve.
Cashmere – you lucky, lucky girl!
nice job with the refashion.
my momma taught me at an early age that you do not leave the house unless you’re putting your best foot forward – hair fixed, make-up on, dressed appropriately. it amazes me how many people – friends and coworkers included – think it’s perfectly okay to go out in public literally looking like they just rolled out of bed. they think i’m the odd duck.
Cute refashion! I agree about pj’s worn in public. Get dressed people!
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