Day 33: A Royal Skirt
I was quite pleased with how I was able to use almost every scrap from a dress in yesterday’s piece. 🙂 I decided to do it again, because No-Waste refashions are the best kind!
No Waste = Nothing in the landfill! 🙂
Hopefully you remember the royal blue dress from Day 14.
I’m not very fun. 🙁
You might also remember how I turned it into a fun cape/jacket! 🙂
Much better.
But what about the bottom part? Was I just going to toss it out?
What about that bottom part?
Oh no. Oh heck no!
When I detached the top from the bottom of the dress, I left about an inch of fabric over the elastic waistband of the skirt. There was a reason for this. 🙂
I took the skirt, and ran it through my machine, keeping the elastic stretched while sewing the 1″ edge over on the inside.
Don’t sew over your digits!
I didn’t pin it or anything, as I thought pins would just get in the way. I just sewed slowly and carefully, since my little fingers were quite close to the needle.
Now I have a long & lovely pleated skirt!
I feel pretty!
Because I’m a mind reader, I know some of you are wishing I had shortened the skirt. 😉 But I think the longer length really makes it. I’ve been seeing a lot of long pleated skirts coming out lately, including this one by Tibi:
That’ll be $297.
This isn’t a trend that’s really hit the East Coast yet (we’re kind of slow), but it’s one I reallllly like! Since there are so many vintage pleated skirts and dresses in thrift stores, anybody can rock this look. 🙂
Happy Dance!
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3 Responses to Day 33: A Royal Skirt
I think you’ll be right on trend next spring.
This year in England one of the very fashionable shops stocked this skirt length and sold out very quickly. Only the fashion-forward bought them, but I think they’ll be everywhere next year.
You are very gifted – I would never have worked out what to do with the original outfit.
Fingers crossed that I’m right on this one. I’m loving long pleated skirts right now! 🙂 And thanks for the compliment! 🙂
you know what. this is a must. i will subscribe! this is too cool to ignore! :)))))))
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