Day 336: Into the Garden Top
Holy Housedress, Batman! :/
You’re looking at a rather massive muumuu I scored for $1. It’s label read “Smart Time” (?). The smartest thing I could think of to do with frumptastic piece (with a fun summer print…I must admit) was to turn it into a fun top. 🙂
First, I took it in 4″. My sewing machine has been a bit wonky lately. I keep having to adjust the upper and lower thread tension every time I use it. Anybody know what that’s about?
Then, I lopped off that bottom tier! 🙂
And that’s it! Now I have a fun summer top that pairs well with my GINORMOUS red shades! 🙂
I look like a fly in my big shades, but I love them all the same! 🙂
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3 Responses to Day 336: Into the Garden Top
You are SO funny! And that’s pretty cute.
When my tension gets wonky it means that I have to clean my machine. Especially the bobbin area. Take out the bobbin and as much else as you can from that area. Vacuum it out and then clean it with the small brush that came with the machine or a small paintbrush to remove the lint.
I am amazed you managed to save this one, I nearly swore when I saw the before picture!
About the issue with the thread tension: if your machine does not come with a table / cabinet: have you recently changed the surface it sits on? Has something happened to that surface, is it level?
Same applies to table / cabinet machines, is everything straight? Are you oiling regularly?
I am sure you have already thought about all these, but these checks usually do the trick with mine, which is an old, all-metal, semi-industrial machine.
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