Day 65: The Easiest Dress Refashion Ever
When I bought this dress for $1, I was really only wanting it for the fabric. My plan is to cut it up and make it something else entirely.
It’s just sliiiightly too big.
But before I do that, I’m going to show you one of the easiest no-sew dress refashions ever! 🙂
First, I cut out those shoulder pads.
Ick. And Ick.
Then I buttoned the top a little more than halfway, turned it backwards, and tied the sleeves in the back, like so:
I’m a bit tied up right now…
And now I have a cute strapless maxi dress! 🙂
I dig this print!
Some of you long-time followers who are super-observant might remember me doing pretty much the same thing with this dress, only with less hair, in a different apartment, and with a different kitty sidekick. 🙂 I actually like today’s dress better. 😉
Cheers! 😉
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5 Responses to Day 65: The Easiest Dress Refashion Ever
Wow good work, creative and stylish but practical! I’ve always been a fan of re-using and changing clothing, I like the way you saw potential in that.
Too cute! It’s all your fault that I got involved with refashioning. Stumbled across you, loved the idea of refashioning and now I’m spending waaayy too much time with fabric.
That’s awesome! You need to share your work on the Refashion Co-op! 🙂
Love the fabric – I can understand why you bought it…looks great!
I have to agree – everything is better, the dress, the hair – although I did love Basement Kitteh. What happened to him? You are managing to do well with a lot of strapless refashions, sigh – brings back sad memories of time in the 70s when even then I was too well endowed to wear those cute triangle halter tops. Fitting these monsters is a BIG challenge – pun intended 🙂
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