Day 72: From Little Black Mess to Little Black Dress
Yay! A new old lady dress! As you know by now, every time I see one of these, I get giddy! 🙂
A Little Black Mess
So…this isn’t very attractive for a fun Friday night. 🙂 Let’s get to work, shall we?
First I chopped off the top of the dress.
Then I folded the raw edge over and pinned it.
Pin it!
I ran the pinned edge through my machine. Now I have a casing for some elastic to make the top nice and snug. 🙂
Elastic…it’s fantastic!
Now I have a super-cute little black dress…perfect for an evening hanging out with friends!
First, we swung by The Cigar Box…
Which one shall I choose?
Then we spent some quality porch time. 🙂
Cigars, Wine, and Friends…Ingredients for a perfect evening! 🙂
Cigars & Cigar Box Malbec!
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4 Responses to Day 72: From Little Black Mess to Little Black Dress
Beautiful again! I saw orbs in your second to last pic. The “clinks” pic. It looks like your grandma and other spirits were enjoying the togetherness of the evening too. 🙂
Love your blog!!! You have given me real inspiration. Thank you for helping me celebrate today’s holiday:
Loved what you did with the black dress. I’ve been following your blog for a while now and love your creativity. If I could, I would use some of your ideas to add to my wardrobe, however, strapless is not for me. Your creativity intrgues me so I will continue to follow you journey. Thanks for sharing.
I’m glad you like! Colder weather is coming, so soon my shoulders will have to be covered. 🙂 Hopefully my fall refashions will give you some fun ideas.
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