Green Poppy Dress
I find so many 70’s housecoats when I go thrifting! I really liked this one with it’s lovely green flowers!
Yikes! That turtleneck!
There was also a good bit of damage on the sleeves.
Holey Moley!
I can only assume the previous owner of this frock was mauled by an animal of some sort…
I’ve been working on a really exciting holiday project (It’s gonna blow your mind dear friend) that I can’t wait to share with you guys. It involves a LOT of really tedious sewing, so I felt like taking a lil no-sew break today! 🙂
Chops happened!
Bye damaged sleeves!
I turned this dress so the back was the new front. I unzipped it a bit so that turtleneck became a funky collar. That very bottom scrap turned into a sash for my waist.
Not too shabs, I must say!
Are you green with envy over how easy this rehash was?
My new dress enjoyed a laid-back day that consisted mainly of hanging out with friends and a tasty dinner. 🙂
Yay! Layers!
Hi (again), Erin!
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This is soooo cute. I love it and with the tights/boots, rrrrrr!!
This transformation was or is absolutely awesome!!!!!
You are amazing. You’ve given me some inspiration to tackle some of my pre-weight loss clothes.
I love it! But I don’t understand how is it a new sew refash! Don’t you need to sew the hem and the sleeves?
Jersey doesn’t need to Be hemmed. It doesn’t fray!
What a cool outfit!
Marvelous color on you, dahling! Well done, as always.
J adore , félicitations de France!!
That dress is Rockin’!!! And the color looks fabulous on you…best refashion yet!
I LOOOOOVE it!! You are so crafty!
Adorable as usual…’re creative mind holds no boundaries!
WOW! Really cute.
This refash is fantastic … reminds me of Jane Jetson – maybe it’s that funky collar :o) And I think emerald could become your new teal,
You are so amazing! The vision you have for repurposing clothing is inspirational. Thanks for sharing your gift!
Love it! But as a child of the 60’s whose mother wore a few of those housecoats, I think the zipper goes in the front anyways. 🙂 Love what you to see the housecoats refashioned!!!!
You are so clever ! I love seeing all the outfits you come up with.
Love it. Can’t believe how easily you turned the turtleneck into a collar, amazing and lovely look!
A wonderful low key refashion.. looking forward to the holiday one you alluded to!
How did you and Erin become friends? She seems like such a fun girl always ready to hang out! Plus of course cute dress!
Really nifty! Be sure to save it for St. Patricks Day,
LOL! I LOVE your blog! I can’t sew a stitch…but you always make me think I could! Luv u…and your quirky fashion sense!
Patty Mishler
“The Epicurean Explorer”
Love this find. Ps. You’ve inspired me to only thrift and refashion in 2015.*
*shoes, socks, underwear, bras are exempt and may be purchased NEW as needed.
TOTES ADORBS! I love it!!!
Super cute and I have to tell you that I did my first ever refashion today inspired by your blog! I was going through my closet to get rid of clothes I don’t wear and stumbled upon a shirt that I’ve only worn a couple of times. I loved the fabric, pattern, and the shape of most of it, but being a broad shouldered gal, the fluttery sleeves did me no favors. I don’t sew AT. ALL. (it’s on my “learn someday” list) Anyway, I realized that this particular top had raw edges left all over the place so it must not fray. I grabbed the scissors, chopped off those sleeves and made it a cute sleeveless number that’s infinitely more flattering on me! Thanks for the inspiration!
Awesome! Sew happy for you! 🙂
You are so inspiring. I look forward to everything you do. I am 67 years old and had a stroke 10 years ago. I used to be a seamstress and now can’t sew so good. When I see what you do I am so proud of you.
Total kit kitridge dress!!! I love it.
This is ADORABLE! You did such an amazing job with such a 70’s housecoat!
What a transformation! So cute. Wish I were that little.
Amazing, as always! A very imaginative idea to turn it around. I never would have thought of that. Thanks for the inspiration.
Once again – absolutely amazing!
Love it, especially the ease of it! Excuse me while I go raid the housecoats at Goodwill…
You are awesome !!!!
Love your blog !!
Nicely done. Since you said jersey does not fray, I admire how you were able to cut such a straight line at the hem. Sleeves can always be cuffed, but not a hem.
Nice tights and boots too. They match the dress perfectly!
Verrry cute! Love the color!
So cute on you! You look like a psychedelic pixie;
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