Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Welcome to a magical holiday edition of ReFashionista which will fill you with wonder and a special warm, fuzzy joy! Okay…not really. This is very much like any other entry, but I do end up indulging my inner fatty with some tasty Thanksgiving Day fare.
If you are an observant follower of my blog, right now you’re thinking, “WHOAH!!! Has Jillian fallen into some sort of bizarro universe where her front door is on the other side of the room and her walls are now a delightful golden yellow and she no longer has those ugly “Tree of Life” curtains that looked really great in World Market but just don’t work in real life? Let me assuage your fears, dear reader. I have merely moved to the other side of my duplex with my fella because….WE’RE ENGAGED!!!! Don’t fret…basement kitteh came with us, and the ugly curtains are now in my sewing room (I HAVE A SEWING ROOM!!!).
Ahem…now back to the housedress above. The print is just all sorts of awesome with pretty, light fall colors. Perfect for a Thanksgiving dinner with some of my fiance’s family. However, I couldn’t go to meet his grandma wearing a housedress. I mean, his family is laid-back, but not that laid-back.
Luckily, this is a quick and easy transformation. First off, I hacked off some of that length. I wanted this dress to fall mid-thigh.
It’s amazing what hacking off some length can do!
Next, I pinned the new hem under, then under again to hide the raw edge, then I pinned it down in preparation for some hot holiday sewing action!
Pinned and Preppified!
As I pinned down my new hem, I was shocked to witness a rather harrowing cliffhanger moment…
“Hang on, Little Dude!”
Yet another little pin cushion guy is about to meet his untimely demise.
Don’t let go!!!!!!
Action-packed drama aside, I needed to finish this dress and hit the road. Under the needle it went.
Now I have a nice, new hem! Well…almost. I just needed to complete one last step.
Don’t be a lazy jerkface. Press your hems. Or I will judge you.
I grabbed the sash that came with this piece, and tied it around my waist. I was quite happy with the results, as you can see from the pic below.
Hey Alanis…I’ve got one hand in my pocket…cuz that’s the only pocket this dress has.
We made quick stop on the way to the fam at Starbucks to pick up my faaaaaaaaaavorite holiday treat, an Eggnog Latte!!!!! 🙂
Glug Glug Glug!
After visiting with the fam, Fella and I were definitely due for a few adult bevvies at Art Bar. Apparently, a few other people had the same idea. 🙂
Someone even brought brownies!!!!! 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope yours was wonderful!
Oh…and just one more (rather pathetic) after pic. I have no interwebs at my new digs yet, so I’m braving the rain and the Black Friday crowds to borrow a bit o internet from the nearby Starbucks to bring this Refashion to you. And yes…I’m wearing yesterday’s dress over jeans with flops this early morning. However, my work here is done, and my shower (along with a costume change) beckons. 🙂
About to mooch some interwebs…
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