My First Pecha Kucha!
A few months ago I was asked to present at a Pecha Kucha.
What is a Pecha Kucha, you ask?
Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about it:
PechaKucha or Pecha Kucha (Japanese: ペチャクチャ, IPA: [petɕa ku͍̥tɕa],[1] chit-chat) is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (6 minutes and 40 seconds in total). The format, which keeps presentations concise and fast-paced, powers multiple-speaker events called PechaKucha Nights (PKNs).[2][3]
I’m a nervous public speaker, but I’m trying to get over it. And of course the best way to do that is to actually speak in public. As the day got closer and closer I got more and more nervous…
I needed a dress for the big night!
I started with this one:
It was 5am when I took this pic
This dress is actually made of terry cloth! It’s amazing! This fabric was really popular in the 70’s-early 80’s and I firmly believe it needs to make a comeback. I seriously feel like I’m wearing a bathrobe. And that’s pretty awesome.
You’ll have to forgive me, friends. The memory card that has the “during” pics for this one has gone totally kaputzky, so I can’t share them with you. :/
But I can tell you what I did! 🙂 First, I removed the elastic from the waist. Then I raised the hem to daring new heights! I pretty much wanted a clone of this one cozy sweater dress I’ve been wearing a lot of this winter. That original snug waistline just wouldn’t do for an event where I knew I’d already be pretty uncomfortable.
And here’s how it turned out!
Sort of Mod, no?
This handsome (and rather tall) gentleman seemed to like it too. 😉
Oh. Ello.
As my turn to present got closer and closer, I got more and more nervous!
I have the worst selfie faces.
But then I remembered why I was doing this. I love refashioning and I believe that I really can change the world by sharing this passion with others.
We can change the world. One dress at a time.
The awesome guys at PULL Brand Stories even recorded a video of it! It’s kind of dark (because the room was kind of dark), and you can’t see all of my slides, but I hope you like it. 🙂
I feel pretty good about this one. The audience was awesome, and I hope I get the chance to present at another Pecha Kucha soon!
I look like a smug little thing, don’t I? 😉
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Tags: Pecha Kucha, Year 5
Spiffy little dress! Congrats on your Pecha Kucha. Eventually maybe you’ll find that speaking in public is a lot like blogging, except with no delete function. You just be yourself.
Love your refashions. Agree terry cloth needs to make a comeback!!
Oooo pretty pretty! I love it!
This is so inspiring! I love your blog and I get so many ideas from it. I am in the process of redoing all the ugly clothes in my closet. I have been doing it for a few months. Keep up the good work 🙂
Wow! What a transformation! I would have never have given that dress a second look if I saw it on the rack in it’s original condition. Hideous! But you made it awesome. Dang.
I love the dress but I would look like a dirty dog bed if I wore that. It helps to be small and thin. I am neither. I do love the fact that I can sew better than most. I wish sewing would be fashionable again. I am glad that you are doing your part and a big part at that to get people more interested in sewing, repairing, designing, etc. I love to shop Good Will and find things that are great but maybe only have a broken zipper or is in need of better buttonholes. These tasks usually stop most people dead in their tracks. Just a little practice can help restore a great garment. Keep on with the great work!
Adorable! And even if you’re nervous when speaking, you don’t have to show it. You are an internationally famous blogger, and you have been on TV! Strangers recognize you in public! Hold your head up and never ever ever say you are nervous or hate speaking in public!
One of your best and the leopard booties were a great addition.
I think you and your “mediocre” self are ah-mazingly awesome! You’re so passionate about what you do it’s inspiring. I need to get me to some thrift stores!!
Would love to see the slides that you created to match with your awesome talk! Can you post them somewhere?
Love this, Jillian! And those leopard booties make the dress pop.
I watched the video and I thought you were great! So inspiring and I have been a fan since the beginning. .. still you have such awesome ideas and awesome talent! Great job. Well done.
Oh wow, I have followed you for years and never commented but that video was such a beautiful, succinct, and inspiring way to describe what you are doing and why. Way to face your fears to share this message. Bravo for your courage and your ability to play and your willingness to share this with the world. Thank you!
What you are doing is amazing Gillian! Not only is it good for the environment in the obvious ways but hopefully it will be good for those less fortunate that have to work in the appalling conditions abroad! Thanks for sharing Karen x
Great Pecha Kucha–both the content and your presentation. One of these days, inspiration will ignite and I, too, will do a refashion. Keep up the good work. 🙂
Love this one and I agree with the comments about the booties!! Wonderful!!
Very cute! Congratulations on your accomplishments! Best wishes!
i LOVE everything you do. this is fabulous.
Great job on the dress and the Pecha Kucha. I enjoyed watching it.
You shouldn’t worry about speaking in public. I’ve seen a few of your interviews. Your passion and enthusiasm is fresh and exciting and the reasons you give are very inspiring indeed! Thank you again.
Yay Jillian!! This is fantastic! You are so inspiring! I am so happy that I have watch your journey from almost the beginning. “We knew you when…!!!”
Please take this comment in the spirit it is intended, with much love. What you do is very subjective, therefore, you are the expert and everyone else just wants in on that action. When you speak from the heart about something you love and cherish, magical things happen, the words just seem to come. I wish I was your mother (probably I could be) so we could share the sewing love. Be well on your journey smart, creative and intelligent young woman and enjoy all that comes with those gifts.
hi, Edith from the larger Chicago area here. I love seeing a new Refashionista blog
from you, always funny and always an inspiration…. Old out of style dress in my closet aha this is what I now can do with it. You always give me some good ideas. Thank you for that…
On this occasion I wish you a wonderful holiday season and only the very very BEST for the coming year (wonder what YOU are wishing for ?!?!? Feel free to share with us???)
PS I have a little idea or suggestion for you, feel free to completely ignore it though, you decide! You are a lovely little person, I just know by how much you are able to chop off dresses way too long and way too big for you… here is the suggestion, do you have a
friend (may be twice your size or even more????) to do some resizing and reshaping
of finds for us size 14 and larger gals? Just a thought as you will see that those refashioning will create new ideas and different problems for you and may make it
interesting at the same time…. Just a thought my dear and I am looking forward
to your next post
Cute dress. And so brave of you on the public speaking. Did speech in college and thought I’d have a coronary.
You’re not mediocre! You have a vision, you’re making it real, and THAT’S AMAZING!
You are a wonderful speaker! The audience was totally engaged with you! I wish that the videographer had included your slides on your right instead of the collection of water bottles on your left. Is there another version that includes the slides, perhaps? Nice job on the dress, by the way. Very classy.
That was so inspirational, it made my eyes water. My New Years Resolution is to refashion everything I wear and not buy anymore overpriced, poorly made, brand new garbage.
I loved the video! You totally rocked it!
Who would have thought you could make that dress look so great. Feel the fear – and plunge right in – good for you! You are indeed helping to change the world.
AWESOME and you inspire everyone with your enthusiasm
love all your refashions, keep up the great work
This dress is one of my favorites! Great job on the presentation, too! Merry Christmas, Jillian – thank you for sharing your gift of creativity & wit with all of your lucky readers!
Thank you so much for your terrific refashions! Have a wonderful holiday season.
Cute dress! …and…new fella? Merry Christmas
I too was a nervous public speaker until I got this advice….
Nerves and excitement look very similar on the outside. You talk fast, move around a lot, etc. So…..rename your nerves excitement, and you’re good to go. Your audience will think you’re excited, not nervous.
Hélène from France
Great job and so enthousiastic presentation !!!
I am not good at all for refashion clothes but I go to the French goodwill for me and my four-aged daugther to find good clothes for us.
And what about the tall guy ?? (I am french and I, automatically romantic !)
Have a good christmas and let’s enjoy 2015 !!!!
That dress looks incredibly comfortable and chic!
I loved your presentation–I actually laughed pretty hard at the comment about being afraid to change a dress but NOT afraid to change a frat boy!! Well done 🙂 And I also love the leopard booties with the refash, which looks great!
I’ve got to say.. as much as I love the context for this one, I really liked the “before” piece more! It was more flattering, I feel. The awkward seam in the middle of the “after” piece is really throwing me off.
That aside, you totally rocked your presentation. Work it!
Hi Jillian,
I just wanted to let you know that the delightful (and, at times, devilish) spirit that comes through in your blog postings has raised my mood and spirit on many a dark evening. Thank you for your seemingly boundless optimism.
We’re all rooting for you! And it’s okay to get nervous. I think we all think we are the only ones who REALLY get nervous, other people just say they do.
Great job – Dress looks great and you are an excellent public speaker – you didn’t look nervous 🙂
I just watched your presentation – you were totally AH-MAZING! You have a great sense of humor and did a fabulous job of convincing people to refashion! Wish i could have seen you in person!!
Well done for challenging yourself and stepping outside your comfort zone. I love getting your emails and really admire what you do.
Love your fashion sense keep it up!
Love your site and environmentally-fashion philosophy!. I have recently used some of your post to teach some sew vocabulary to my English language pupils ( mostly teen girls) and they had a lot of fun while learning and practising out-of-the-box thinking at the same time! You are great!
Your enthusiasm is infectious!
I just got a chance to watch your presentation and you rocked it!
Wonderful presentation – you have two of the most important elements of a good public speaker, passion for your subject and a great sense of humour. I loved it! And you looked awesome, too, which doesn’t hurt when you’re in front of a crowd 🙂
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