Q&A Monday: Shoulder Pads!
Q: You do a LOT of refashions where you remove shoulder pads. What do you do with them when you’re done? Do you just throw them away?
Sing the praises of pads! 🙂
A: Oh heck no! Shoulder Pads are awesome (just not on your shoulders)!
Here are a few things you can make out of ‘em!
Puppy Poo Bag Holder
When I take Douglas for his walks, I want to be a good neighbor and clean up after the little guy. I could either buy a puppy poo bag dispenser/bag set for $5…
Orrrrrrr…I can make my own with old shoulder pads and Douglas’ old collar that’s too small for him now!
Of course Douglas is wearing clothes! 😉
I can roll up about 5 old grocery bags in the pouch, and the collar can be attached to my wrist, belt loop, purse, or his leash. Perfect!
Sunglasses Case
I have about a dozen pairs of sunglasses. Most of them are of the super-cheap variety, but I still want to take good care of them. The best way to keep them scratch-free when I toss them in my bag is to keep them in a cozy case!
Safe & Secure!
Cat Toys
Kittehs love shoulder pads, too…especially when they’re stuffed with catnip and sewn into cute little mice! Awhile back, I made a batch of these and gave them to local shelter cats. They loved ‘em!
Kittycat Crack!
Pan Handle Cover
Pan handle covers can run anywhere from $2 to $13. But why bother running out to buy one, when you can just make your own from unwanted shoulder pads?
When you don’t want to feel the (3rd degree) burn!
A Cool Koozie
Shoulder pads make great koozies! Keep your tasty brew nice & cold while matching your newly refashioned frock!
Jewelry Pouch
You can use a couple of shoulder pads, an old button, and a stretched-out hair tie to make a small pouch to keep your favorite pieces of jewelry protected!
These belonged to my Great-Grandmother, so I definitely want to keep them safe!
A perfectly padded pouch!
What have you made out of old shoulder pads?
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32 Responses to Q&A Monday: Shoulder Pads!
LOVE this post. Super ideas for shoulder pads!
Love these!
I’ve been known to use thinner shoulder pads as bra-style inserts, putting them into low-backed tops and dresses. I don’t like the padded look, though, been wondering what to do with some of the thicker ones!
I’ve never made anything but LOVE the pan handle cover. I’ve suffered several unintentional burns after taking a long handled pan out of the oven. Thank you for the super ideas.
So clever!
Really good ideas !! Your imagination has no limits!! (i follow you everyday from Madrid . Spain) THANK YOU For being so inspiring.
save them up and when you have enough sew them together to make a pillow for your cat or dog or even for doll babies beds.
What a GREAT idea! I love upcycling!!! Puppy toys for everyone!
This is why I love you … because I literally would not have thought of a single of those ideas.
OH my goodness. I usually just cut them out and throw them away, expect for today’s post I left them. I can’t wait to start sewing.
Great ideas… Now, if only I had shoulder pads… (Never thought I’d be saying that!)
Awesome ideas. I’ll have to go through my clothes and see it I can come up with some shoulder pads.
Right on girl! I’m going to use all of your ideas especially the catnip kitteh toys for the shelter cats and mine. I love everything you do and I love that you get me thinking community-wise. I live in Southern California. I don’t even see my neighbors much less talk to them. But you got me thinking I can do a lot in the general arts, college and animal help community. Thank you.
I use them to apply shoe polish to my shoes and buff them to a shine.
They make great bean bags for kids.
Goes to show that the eighties live on in much better ways than originally intended! 🙂 This comes from a true 80′s gal! Love it!
Bean bags for school!
Caryn Sent from my iPhone
These are some great ideas!
For me and my refashioning, shoulder pads have been a blessing for me. Over a year ago, I went through a lumpectomy, and not only did my breast go through a slight shape change, but I have to be careful with using commercial anti-perspirants because of the risk.
I do what Jessie does with them – I use them as an inexpensive “chicken filet” bra insert to give me a fuller look with my bust line without all the fake-looking padding, or if I’d rather wear a shapewear camisole instead of a bra, I’ll use the inserts as “modesty pads” and shapers.
I’ve also used the thinner shoulder pads as dress shields for my more expensive tops and dresses. I put double-sided tape on them and taped them to the underarm area on the top.
I think that I’m going to try making jewelry pouches with some of them. I have a jewelry business and I’m looking for nice ideas for packaging the jewelry for my customers.
Padded hangers. Bend wire hanger, wrap with old shoulder pads to desired thickness, and stich down. Cover with old scraps if you want to make them pretty!
This is a great idea! I hate plain wire hangers. Thanks!
I LOVE the jewellery pouches! I think I will make some to gift the jewellery I make!
Wow, what great ideas! I might have to test some of them out.
Creative, useful AND funny….all at the same time!
I love your ideas but particularly Casey’s of putting shoulder pads on the hangers, so you dont get lines on your clothes!
I love the cat toys idea, too bad I don’t have a cat! But I’ll definitely turn some vintage shoulder pads into sunglass cases! Thanks for the idea!
Im inspired to make lavender sachets; toothfairy pillows; or silly fabric roses for gift wrapping toppers. But if you have piles of shoulder pads you really could make an outrageous garden party hat decorating game out of it. I hired a company called Party Hats years ago to come to my baby shower and set up and keep 45 crafty women busy. We had basic hats and glued all sorts of silly things onto them. The more alcohol the better the hat!
I used some to make the padding for a cell phone case. It was a lot like your sunglasses case, but I used some leftover fancy-schmancy fabric on the outside so that it wasn’t so polyester 🙂
I put them on the ends of clothes hangers to hang damp garments to dry and keep from getting points in the shoulders. I usually just rubberband them but if I have time, I sew them.
All I can say is you are marvelous , sweetie!!
Love these ideas, both Jillian’s and in the comments. Thanks, everyone!
How freaking smart! I usually just cut them out and throw them away but now I’ll use them as cases for my sun glasses!
Thank you sharing this!
I love these! You never cease to amaze me:) I especially like the stitching you did–awesome!
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