Me-Made-March: Day 7!
Oy. I was one sleepy lady today. For reasons unknown, sleep refused to find me last night, so I was a Groggy McGroggerson all day. Rest assured, I wore a scarf I made a while back, but not very stylishly over a t-shirt and a sweater with jeans to fulfill my Me-Made-March commitment.
I spent my evening on the sofa, catching up on my Dr. Who episodes, but still felt the urge to do a refashion. I decided to use this wristlet (yep, I bought a few with my last one , and a scrap from the previous day’s refashion.
This wristlet is aching for an upgrade!
I cut a strip from the scrap.
Strip tease!
Then, I took a needle and thread, and began gathering it…not really even sure what I had in mind.
Please note my sexy South Park PJ pants.
Then, I sewed the two ends of the strip together, gathering those as well. It sort of looked like a lily pad, which made me happy.
I stitched my lily pad in place, using a pretty green button from my big tin ‘o buttons, then tacked down the lily pad in a few places to keep it from flopping around.
Kyle looks skeptical. :/
Now I have a fun new wristlet to wear out on the town when I’m not so sleepy!
Fancy Schmancy!
Nighty night!
Me-Made-March: Day 6!
Today was another jeans day for me, so I needed another top! I started with this nightgown.
What?! It’s not my bed time!
Two things needed to go buh-bye. First off, I hated that stupid tie thing in the front.
Buh-Bye, functionless tie!
Next, I needed to get rid of the length. I ended up making two cuts, as it really wasn’t short enough from the first go.
As this fabric wasn’t going to fray, and my cut was pretty clean, I decided to forgo hemming it. I still didn’t like frou-frouness of the front, so I turned it around. I think it looks much less nightgowny this way.
Yep…here I am at the museum again, wincing in the sun! I swung by to see Who Shot Rock ‘n Roll, a Photographic History, 1955-present, which I missed the last time I was there. I highly recommend checking this out!
Later that night, I went bowling with The Art Bar Players and their significant others! My highest score was a 94…not too shabby for only bowling a couple of times ten years ago!
The Orange Ball of Doom!
Me-Made-March: Day 5!
Today’s piece for Me-Made-March began as a rather frumpish maxi skirt.
Pleased to meetcha!
I liked the plaid print (something I own very little of), but it just wasn’t doing it for me as a skirt. I hiked it up under my arms, and surprisingly it stayed up all on its own. I tossed on a belt and a few accessories and was all set for a date night with the fella.
I promise I’m not as thin as I look in this pic. I’m just standing at a weird angle.
see that black thing that’s roped around my neck a few times? That’s a fabric necklace/scarfish thing that I made from a jersey knit pillow case. All I did was cut several strips from it, and then sewed them end to end to make a big circle.
Keeping it cozy in a nubby sweater.
We went to the Nickelodeon to see The King’s Speech, which was completely amazing, and definitely worthy of the Oscar! Afterwards, we stopped by Hunter Gatherer for some tasty Mac n Cheese and an equally tasty Wheat Ale. T’was a fun, relaxing evening!
*gulp* *gulp*
Me Made March: Day 4!
Today’s piece was awkward when first I found it.
Feeling a bit blue.
The elastic in the waist had been completely stretched out, The length sucked, and it was too big for me. Erg. Thankfully, I wasn’t in the mood for a dress anyways.
Severing that skirt!
The pic shows the first cut, but rest assured, I used my teeny tiny scissors to clean up that raw edge, leaving the seam that separated the skirt and the top as-is.
The sleeves had elastic at the cuffs, which I wasn’t digging, so I carefully snipped it out and pulled the offending elastic out.
I pressed the sleeves, to remove all evidence that they were ever elasticized. I decided to wear my new top backwards, as I liked the back much more than the front.
Much better!
What you really can’t see very well in my pics is that the top is verrrrry sheer. I wore a cami under it to prevent any flashing.
I had a nice, casual-yet-funky top to wear for an evening of Art & Draughts at the Columbia Museum of Art. The Columbia Design League arranged a lecture with Jeffrey Keyton, senior vice president for On-Air Design and Off-Air Creative for MTV & MTV2. It’s fascinating how their branding and advertisements have such high artistic value, given the shoddiness of their programming nowadays. However, Jeffrey told us that MTV is trying to veer away from the train-wreck reality programming that it’s become so known for in favor of scripted shows. AND they might be bringing back Liquid TV!!!!! Huzzah!
Night at the Museum!
Me-Made-March: Day 3!
For Day 3 of Me-Made-March, I started with this Women’s top. It’s a size 3X.
…a bit big on me.
How lovely and exotic is that print?! How beautiful is that embellished neckline?! This top was made of the softest silk I’ve ever felt against my skin. Unfortunately, It was quite massive on me, and I didn’t want it as a top. That’s right, I’m going to make this shirt into a tunic dress…much like the swanky/costly ones I’ve seen in boutiques and online.
This wasn’t that hard, either. First, I took it in 4″ on each side, even the sleeves.
Pinning the sides!
I had to be careful about just how much I took in. I wanted my new dress to be flattering, but still be able to be slipped on over my head with minimal squirming. I pinned the sleeves so the ends would remain nice and full. I ran each side through my machine, then cut off the excess material.
I tried it on, but still needed to tweak the fit a bit more.
Taking the top in a smidge more!
After I ran each side through my machine a second time, I was done! The length was perfect, and I liked how the sleeves were bracelet-length to show of my fun bangles.
Art Crawling at Tapp’s!
I think my dress certainly rivals this Chetta B. silk tunic dress, which retails at $335. Actually…I like mine better.
That’ll be $335.
While out and about, I found the perrrrfect accessory for my new dress!
I’ve always wanted one of these. *le sigh*
So far, Me-Made-March has been a blasty! Cheers!
What did I wear this month?
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