She Wore Blue Polyester…
Woo hoo! I’m back! And so is Fall! I was looking in my closet the other day and noticed my fall dress collection is…well…shall we say scant? Time to make some new Fall duds to keep me warm and ever-so-stylish! My first Fall piece is this guy:
Mrrrph Mrrr Phhhhrmmph!
…which made me feel a bit like how this guy must have felt…
Now, I’ve never had a swan-like neck by any means, but the height on this turtleneck was ridiculous. And it was going buh-bye! Out came my trusty seam ripper!
Oh so carefully removing that neck!
When I removed the neck area, I had this left over…
take a hike, too tall neck!
Now the neck area was full of raw edges, scared, and vulnerable. No worries little neck…I’m here to save you.
Pinning those raw edges down! Down I say!
Then, I ran the new neck through my machine, freshly loaded with some black thread (I didn’t have any dark blue…so it would have to do)…
Being edgy= cool. Having raw edges = lame.
Now that my new neckline was complete, I needed to do something about those sleeves and the lame-o length of the dress.
Drawn and Quartered (I’ve been catching up on The Tudors)!
Then, I hemmed my newly shortened length and sleeves.
Hemming…not Hawing.
The last thing I needed to do was make a sash to cinch the waist of the dress. It fit me okay, so it really didn’t need to be taken in at all. I used the part I cut from the bottom of the dress by making it into one long strip, and pinned the edges together.
Pin that sash!
Then I ran it through my machine.
Sew that sash!
Then, I turned the freshly sewn tube of fabric inside-out, hiding the raw edge. To complete the sash, I tucked the ends of the tube inside and sewed that off as well.
After pressing my seams, I was all done and had a fabulous frock to wear all day!
A Vision in Blue!
After work, I went to Za’s for their oh-so-fabu happy hour where I indulged in several $3 (3x the cost of my dress) cosmos with some very creative people.
Eric let me have a sip of his pineapple martini…and it was delish!
10/6 is Mad Hatter Day!
A self-portrait closeup of the new neck
…Bluer than Polyester was the night…
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2 Responses to She Wore Blue Polyester…
Massive fabo transformation. But no mention
of the ful-cal cosmo in a rocks glass? Looked like diet booze to me!
Wot, and no mention of the photographer for the full dress pic? And what have you done with Basement Kitteh? 2 posts and no b-kitteh!!!111
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