Wannabe Wednesday: Michelle Mason(ish) Edition
I hate being cold.
I hate being cold more than anything else in the world.
It’s been very cold here in South Carolina. :/
When I moved to the south I expected year-round warmth and sunshine (research has never been my thing), creamy grits to be served with every meal, and men with impeccable manners.
I feel ripped off on two of these counts.
My quest for warmth during this odd cold snap has led to me a life spent in wool socks and bulky sweaters.
But today I had to branch out!
I was inspired by this dress by Michelle Mason:
Doesn’t that look cozy? Unfortunately, the closest thing I had on my refashion rack was this:
This is a super-easy no-sew one, folks! All I needed to do was make a big chop!
That’s really it. 🙂
I’m a bit too short to rock this look without a little waist definition, so I made a quick sash out of the bottom hem.
My new dress had a great time checking out Whipped Cream & Other Delights: remake/remodel!
You can learn more about this show right here! Cheers!