Sleeve me Alone Dress
I’m running out of clever titles for these, you guys. 😉 But hopefully this one will make sense verrrrry soon. 🙂
The other day, I woke up, took a shower, and then donned my refashion for the day.
Just one problem…It was a little chilly out, and my arms were NOT going to be happy as-is.
This is what I look like fresh out of the shower.
I began with removing these guys.
Luckily they were just velcroed in.
Then I made a chop.
That bottom scrap is about to become my new sleeves!
I cut that bottom part open.
You shall be my sleeve!
I cut one sleeve out, making sure it was the same width at the bottom of the short sleeve (plus seam allowance). Then I used that sleeve as a guide for the second sleeve.
Gotta make ’em match!
Then, I stitched a seam down each sleeve.
Whirrrr (x 2)!!!!
Then, I pinned my sleeves into the existing sleeves. Yes…I could have used my seam ripper to remove the existing sleeves and put in completely new sleeves, but I thought this would look more interesting…and I kind of like when you can see the story behind my refashions. 🙂
I stitched my new sleeves down, using two rows of stitches.
It was a challenge, but it worked!
When I was done adding my sleevage, I still wasn’t quite happy with the fit of my frock, so I took it in just a bit.
Just a smidge!
I stitched each side down, and then gave my new dress a new hem!
My new dress had a great day at the Soda City Farmer’s Market!
With a pint of IPA!
Sleeve side view!
Checking out some sweet vintage wear!
Gotta have friends!
Tres chic, no?
So…for all of you who have been asking me to show how to add on sleeves…here’s one way. I promise to show more options as the chilly fall and winter months drag on! 😉
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That is so bloomin’ cute!
Groovy! 🙂
Loving the “just out of the shower” pic! & digging the refash so muchTrés chic
One way to come up with new titles, and it’s something my husband does with his photography, is song names/lyrics etc.. The more obscure the better! His followers/friends are always trying to figure out what song & how the picture made him think of it. You could also use movie names or reference something from a movie. He likes to do that too! Just some ideas to get your creative juices flowing! (like those sleeves)
I love this dress, might be on my top 5 list!
Thank you for the sleeve tutorial! Great refashion.
Super cute, I love it, along with the “Sleeve Me Alone” Title. You’re good at “feeling” your piece and giving it a name, I have faith the funny, titles will keep coming 🙂
Your best yet!
Very well done! Looks great on you.
That is fabulous and a nice easy technique! I think this is a favourite dress for me so far Karen x
Lovely! I’d really like to see what you do with that orange frock behind you too!
Nice zero-waste refashion! I’d like to see you do more trousers!
Great refash!
That is awesome!! I just found your blog about two weeks ago ( give or take) and I’ve managed to read a bunch of your old refashions. I’m up to year 3 lol.
Anyway, I’ve been refashioning like a crazy, thank you for all the inspiration 🙂
Wonderful and so cute!
So nice! Never would’ve known it wasn’t made that way. 😀
You inspire me to think “outside the box” about thrifted finds, but I haven’t yet managed to do a full refashion. I have shortened slacks & jumpers, taken side seams in on dresses, and cut off sleeves., but nothing as creative, adventurous as your work.
Awesome idea. Looks like it was made that way and the seam does add interest. Going to try this.
Totally love it!
I love this one
I LOVE that you added to the existing sleeves. I have a top that I was thinking of doing that to, but wasn’t sure if I’d like how it looks. Now I know it looks great. Thanks 🙂
Fabulous refashion! I wish I had your vision.
I just want you to know, you have made me into a thrift shopper! I’m not quite ready to do any actual sewing, but my last trips to the Goodwill have netted me some fabulous name brands in great condition and at a great price. Thanks for showing me the light!
Cute. Another good job.
So cute!
Very cute as always. I love how you encourage me to be more creative!
I love this refashion! From such an ugly dress to come up with this cute outfit! On the other hand I love that beige coat I can see on the photo of the vintage festival!!!!
Sleeves! Any way to add sleeves is greatly appreciated! So many of the things I find have small sleeves that don’t do my arms any favors. It kills me to find something wonderful with sleeves like a T-Rex’s tiny appendages.
Adorable! And I love it with the purple tights and bag! Not to mention the boots.
Clever girl! Love the “before” face! 🙂 Jillian
Adorable refashion!
You are now my PIN
Lovely as usual. So inspiring
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