Day 247: Day 55 Revisted! | ReFashionista

Day 247: Day 55 Revisted!

It’s time to go back in time to Day 55… Remember this shirt?

Hey Guys! Remember me?

Whereas I turned it into a fun skirt back in August, I decided to wrap it around me a bit differently to make it a completely new top!  🙂

So comfy!

This top could have totally been worn as a dress, but it was pretty chilly out, so jeans were quite necessary!

I headed over to The Whig for some tasty pizza and a couple of beers with buds!


Sassy Ladies! 🙂

T’was a fun night, and a much needed reprieve from all the costume work I’m doing for Plan 9 From Outer Space.  I can’t wait to show you guys what I’ve been up to!

But for now…patience!



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3 Responses to Day 247: Day 55 Revisted!

That shouldn’t even work… but it looks fab!

I gave this one star because you didn’t even show us how you did this.

How did you do that? That looks great!

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