Day 190: A kool koozie! 🙂
I can’t seem to get over Day 182! 🙂 I used up that scrap from the skirt yesterday, which left only two parts of the dress unused.
When I first started refashioning, I threw out all those old shoulder pads. Now I know better! You can come up with all sorts of fun uses for those old pads! I haven’t done a shoulder pad refashion in a while, so here’s yet another way keep them out of the garbage bin. 🙂
I spent all day on a completely un-glam cleaning spree, which included a bug-infested shed (cringe!). At the end of the day, I felt I had really accomplished something. I was proud of my hard work. And…I needed a beer. 😉
That’s when the idea for today’s refashion came to me! Meet my guest star, Ms. Yuengling! In the pic below, I’ve pinned the two pads to her for her “fitting”.
Next, I ran each side through my machine, like so:
Then, I trimmed off the leftover fin-like sides.
Yay! Almost done! I can just taste that brewski already! I turned my new creation inside-out, and now I have a stylin’ little koozie to keep my beer nice & cold! 🙂
So now I’ve used up every bit of the original dress, making this a No-Waste Refashion! Huzzah!
Just another reason to celebrate! 🙂
I think I’ll donate the koozie with the original dress, so the new owner can go bar-hopping in style! 😉
Cheers! 🙂
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3 Responses to Day 190: A kool koozie! 🙂
You crack me up! This idea could be a great gift idea or a great party favor idea!
Brilliant – waste not, want not – as my granny used to say!
Haha love it! I can’t believe you made something out of everything on that dress! That’s fantastic.
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