Day 266: Wurban Urestern Bolero
I’m not sure what look this tacky shirt is going for.
Another day. Another door! 🙂
Is it trying to be Western? Urban? What??!??? I realllllly hated all that stupid white stitching, so I pulled it all out.
Out ya go!
I actually liked this strange Fleur De Lis patch on one of the sleeves. 🙂
You may stay! 🙂
It is freakishly hot here in SC for this time of year, so those sleeves weren’t going to make the cut. :/
Har har! Get it, “cut”??? I’ll be here all night, folks!
Then, I took in each side about 3.5″.
After trying on my new shirt to check for fit, I realized the length wasn’t working for me. Luckily, I had a clever idea!
Bolero, here we come!
I hemmed the bottom and sleeves of my new bolero, and headed off to Revente’s Last Call to check out their fun new-to-me spring stuff! 🙂
Shopping and wine? Yes Please! 🙂
They have some pretty fabu stuff in right now, folks. 🙂 You should check em out!
I had a little help in my shopping venture from this nice gentleman!
It’s Jim Small!!!!
I hope everyone is at least considering thrifting for their spring duds this year, instead of buying all-new stuff. Some of you could save enough money to take a fun trip somewhere! 🙂 Wouldn’t that be more enjoyable than just buying more stuff??? AND you could be supporting a good cause you believe in!
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6 Responses to Day 266: Wurban Urestern Bolero
Thanks for stopping in at RLC yesterday. As usual, your transformation of an ugly garment is fantastic. Cheers to the Refashionista!
Thanks for the reminder about not buying new stuff. You’re also inspiring me to “thrift” through my own closet to see what I can refashion. We all have things that are too big/too ruffly/outdated, etc. These things can be refashioned instead of thrown away.
What a great shop you have – ours is not quite so much fun 🙁 But yes to not buying new stuff!
Always shop in your own closet!
Renee 🙂
I like this bolero. It would go with many different outfits. Good save.
Last year I got so sick of the high street I decided to boycott it for all my clothes (some work clothes excepted as I need to dress quite smartly). All my clothes now come from a) charity shops or second hand shops or b) gigs (when not at work I live in band shirts). It makes me feel, strangely, more free. And I’ve bought some fabulous dresses which I fully intend to wear to work! Your blog has also inspired me to buy things which may not fit quite as well, or be the colour I want, and start refashioning with a vengeance! Thank you!!
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