Day 29: Water Park Tee | ReFashionista

Day 29: Water Park Tee

Today’s tee actually started out as two different shirts.

First, there was this one:

Pilled Out and Dingy 🙁

We’re looking at a Rue 21 (Groan) top that’s pilled out and not quite so white anymore.  This is the back view.

Then, there was this one:

Plain ol’ tee

This is a men’s size medium GAP tee that, while plain, is ever-so comfy and soft!

It was time to combine the best of both worlds to make one awesome sauce tee for my casual day off!  🙂

I carefully snipped off that nice back detail from the white top, as it was the only part that was actually usable.

Removed Doily Thing

I took the doily thing and pinned it to the burgundy tee.


As you can see, I’ve pinned everything except the bottom part.  That’s because I’m going to gather it later.  🙂

Next, I sewed everything except the bottom part down.


This was a bit tricky, and the doily thing wasn’t that easy to work with, but I managed.  🙂

I trimmed the burgundy material away from the doily thing, and began gathering and pinning the bottom part.

Pin and Gather!

I stitched that part down as well.

I still wasn’t completely content with my new tee, so I trimmed a bit off the sleeves and the neckline.   Ahhhhhh!  That was mucho bettero!

I tossed my tee over my bikini just in time to head over the water park with my pal, Heather!  🙂

It’s just an ordinary tee, isn’t it?

Loving the rear view!

So, the tee is big on me, but I realllly wanted a nice, comfy, oversized tee to wear for my day off.  🙂  I’ve been seeing lots of girls in oversized tees, and was happy to jump on the bandwagon!

Happy as can be in my comfy new tee!

Yay! Water Park! The Pices in me rejoices!

Such a fun afternoon!


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2 Responses to Day 29: Water Park Tee

Loving the doilies right now, so this one is a winner!

I stumbled across your site last night. My daughter and I looked at all your posts, not once, but twice!! I love what you do!!! Now I am itching to get into my closet and try to “remake” something! Thanks for the inspiration!

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