Day 69: Meet Me in the Piazza Dress
Today’s dress could have come right out of Designing Women.
Oh hai shoulder pads!
Why would anyone let them design the interior of their home????
I used to love that show as a kid, but I don’t feel the need to emulate the Sugarbaker Sisters with my own wardrobe.
That’s why I lopped off those pads.
Bless their hearts!
Next, I removed the sleeves with my seam ripper.
Disarming this dress (see what I did there?) left some icky raw edges for me to deal with.
Those raw edges are safely tucked away!
Stitching that arm hole!
I didn’t like that constricting neck either. I removed the top two buttons, and stitched it into a much nicer V.
Stitch that V!
We’re almost done! I used my red thread to tie the tops of the shoulders of the dress oh-so-tightly. This made the top of my new dress more fitted, and gave it more of an elegant look.
Office Chic!
Hi Y’all!
Closeup of those shoulders!
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4 Responses to Day 69: Meet Me in the Piazza Dress
Very cute refashion…I used to adore that show!
It may sound crazy…..but I kinda like the “before” dress(sans shoulder pads)….but the refashion is a definite upgrade!
Don´t know the show and have to confess a secret like for shoulder pads when they were in (I have very slopy shoulders – they hid so much!) but I love what you did – very chic!
Gorgeous! I really like this one Jillian
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